Tag Archives: skincare

Health Benefits of Rajanigandha Flower

Health Benefits of Rajanigandha Flower

Rajanigandha has numerous medicinal properties. Check out the top 5 Health Benefits of Rajanigandha Flower. Facts and Usage of Rajanigandha Flower. Rajanigandha, also known as Tuberose, is a popular ornamental plant. It has been an essential herb in the Ayurvedic system for centuries. The flower and its extracts are used in Ayurveda for their various […]

Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Whitening.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Skin Whitening.

Ayurveda is the wellness system that originated in India around 5000 years ago. Ayurvedic principles focus on mindful nutrition, stress reduction, and the cultivation of a balanced lifestyle. While Ayurvedic principles are mostly used for weight loss and in the treatment of other diseases, not many people realize that they can use the same principles […]