5 Amazing Health Benefits of Manjistha

Health benefits of manjistha-Rubia-Cordfolia

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), popularly known as Madder, Rubia root, Majith or Manjitti, is a popular Ayurvedic herb that assists in blood purification. The herb is primitive in India, Nepal, China, Bhutan, Greece and North Africa. The cultivation of Manjistha is found mainly from the hilly subtropical regions to the sub-temperate areas of India, principally in the Himalayas. There are several health benefits of Manjistha, making it one of the most beneficial herbs in Ayurveda. Scroll down to find out the exceptional health benefits of Manjistha. 

Manjistha in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, Manjistha is referred to as “Atreya Aranyaka”, which means it is a rejuvenative herb that possesses potent detoxifying properties. Manjistha contains red pigments, has hot potency, and tastes sweet, astringent and bitter. It is capable of balancing Kapha and Pitta doshas. At the same time, excess use of Manjistha can aggravate Vata dosha. All the powerful health benefits of Manjistha are present mainly in the stem and root of the flowering plant. The herb is enriched with vitamins, minerals and bioactive components, which offer anti-microbial, anti-ulcer, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory characteristics. 

Top 5 Health Benefits of Manjistha

The word “Manjistha” in Sanskrit means bright red, which implies its substantial affinity to blood and its disorders. Apart from being the best blood purifier herb in traditional medicine, it possesses several other health benefits. Want to know more? Then, let us go through the various health benefits of Manjistha. 

Treats Liver Disorders

Manjistha is a miraculous solution for most liver abnormalities like jaundice as it has hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative characteristics. It supports the functioning of the liver through the section of bile and assists the liver enzymes by bringing it to normal levels. It purifies and detoxifies the liver and promotes the healthy functioning of the liver. 

Read More: 5 Ayurvedic Practices for Maintaining a Healthy Liver

Promotes Gastrointestinal Health

Manjistha’s antibacterial and antidiarrheal features are beneficial in eliminating dangerous intestinal bacteria causing diarrhoea and other intestinal infections. The herb also inhibits the formation of excessive acids in the stomach, which helps treat indigestion, ulcers and gastritis. It also facilitates better absorption of nutrients in the body, one of the vital health benefits of Manjistha.

Combats Respiratory Concerns

Manjistha is regarded as a well-known traditional remedy for various kinds of respiratory disorders, thanks to its significant anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-asthmatic attributes. It can treat the common symptoms of cough, cold, sore throat, and flu. The components in Manjistha actively dilute and loosen the rheum particles in the chest and nasal cavities, thereby facilitating the respiration process while assisting the body in mucus removal. 

Treats Kidney Disorders

Manjistha is also very useful to cure urolithiasis or kidney stones; and other kidney disorders because of the presence of various bioactive components, including ruberythric acid. It is one of the most vital health benefits of Manjistha. In addition, the herb helps the already formed kidney stones flow easily through the urinary system with less pain, as Manjistha is a great antispasmodic agent.

Promotes Heart Health

Manjistha’s strong cardio-tonic characteristics play a vital role in the treatment of many heart abnormalities. It reduces the danger of diseases like atherosclerosis, heart blocks, cardiovascular attacks, blood coagulations, etc., and helps blood flow smoothly throughout the body. Manjistha can also manage blood pressure levels in the body. The herb also lowers the build-up of LDL (bad cholesterol), which helps in promoting a healthy heart.

Read More: 5 Ayurvedic Herbs for a Healthy Heart 

Manjistha, a blood purifying herb, has several health benefits that include treating indigestion, respiratory issues, liver ailments, kidney disorders and pacifies Kapha and Pitta doshas. The health benefits of Manjistha can be achieved by incorporating this medicinal herb into your diet. 

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