10 Amazing Benefits of Mint Leaves

benefits of mint leaves

Benefits of Mint Leaves

Peppermint is a Lamiaceae family member that is native to Southwestern Europe and Western Asia. Peppermint is a perennial herbaceous plant that grows to a height of 15-100 cm. Peppermint’s primary volatile oils are menthol and menthone, as well as a variety of fatty acids such as palmitate, stearate, oleate, linoleate, and arachidonate. The benefits of mint leaves range from culinary to medicinal. Here we’ve listed some of them.

The following are the benefits of mint leaves:

1) Mint leaves benefits in digestion

Peppermint stimulates digestion in the stomach and intestinal tract. In fact, it aids in alleviating gas pains, relieves bloating, reduces flatulence, and helps with indigestion. To enhance your digestive system, consume a glass of warm milk mixed with one tablespoon of honey and two teaspoons of freshly crushed peppermint leaves.

2) Mint leaves may prevent stress

There are many medicinal benefits of mint leaves including peppermint helps reduce anxiety and relieve tension. When inhaled, it works as a natural painkiller and muscle relaxer.

3) Mint leaves help with headache

Due to the menthol content present in peppermint leaves, they help to alleviate headaches and migraines. If you suffer from headaches caused due to sinusitis, then applying hot water infused with peppermint crushed leaves may provide relief. Alternatively, you could use crushed fresh leaves of peppermint along with a few drops of olive oil to cure your headache. The smell of peppermint can provide instant headache relief. Simply sniff a few peppermint leaves, and you’ll notice how powerful they are at relieving headaches.

4) Peppermint leaves benefits in nausea

If you have nausea after eating, then peppermint tea prepared using 1 teaspoon of dried leaves steeped in hot water for 10 minutes may work wonders for you. You could even try adding a pinch of cinnamon to enhance the flavor of the tea.

5) Mint for minor aches

When applied externally, crushed peppermint leaves act as an effective ointment to relieve minor aches and pains. Simply apply a bit of fresh peppermint leaf juice directly onto the affected area.

6) Mint leaves benefits in toothache

Crushed peppermint leaves soaked in warm water make a good mouthwash and freshen your breath. Peppermint has been known to help reduce toothaches, thanks to its antiseptic properties. Simply chew a few peppermints before bedtime or brush your teeth twice daily using a peppermint-flavored toothpaste, and you’ll feel relief soon after. 

7) Mint leaves may relieve cold sore

One of the best things about peppermint is that it helps relieve sore throats. Just place a teaspoonful of crushed fresh or dried peppermint in a cup of water, and sip it throughout the day until relief occurs.

8) Mint for blood vessels relaxation

Because peppermint relaxes blood vessels, it’s helpful for easing anxiety and tension. Crush a handful of dried peppermint leaves, then make a compress out of these leaves by wrapping them around a washcloth or towel. Place the cloth over any area of pain or discomfort, and let the herbs work their magic.

9) Peppermint leaves as a cough remover

If you’re suffering from a cold, coughing fits, or just want a boost, take a mug full of steaming hot water with a generous amount of fresh peppermint leaves added in. Cover your head with a towel to block out the rest of the room, and inhale deeply while waiting for the soothing effects of peppermint to kick in.

10) Peppermint may relieve menstrual cramps

Although it does not appear to affect the amount of blood loss, menthol in peppermint can reduce the intensity and length of period pain in some women. These were the top 10 benefits of mint leaves.

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The benefits of mint leaves range from culinary to medicinal. Mint leaves have several uses including as a natural pain relief agent. However excessive use of peppermint can result in side effects such as heartburn, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting. In such cases, please contact your doctor.

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