Asafoetida – A Wei – Asafétida – Ase Fétide – Assant – Crotte Du Diable- Devil’s Dung – Hing
USD$29.25 – USD$140.40
Asafoetida has been long used in the traditional Ayurvedic system for ages. It is a great appetizer and promotes digestion.
Category: Herbs
Condition:- Natural, Pure and Cleaned.
Delivery:- Usually delivered within 3-6 days
Quality:- TrustHerb handpicked all the herbs in natural form. No Artificial, Synthetic chemical or any other chemical added to any of our Products. All the Herbs which we collected are sorted, processed and cleaned by the old proven traditional methods which Guarantee Natural Taste and purity. We store our herbs in a hygienic way so that Its curing values will not be impacted and has higher curing values.
Storage:- Store in Room Temperature, Away from Direct Sunlight and Moisture and Keep In Air-tight Container.
Weight | N/A |
Form | Raw |
Weight | 100 grams, 250 grams, 500 grams, 1000 grams |
1 review for Asafoetida – A Wei – Asafétida – Ase Fétide – Assant – Crotte Du Diable- Devil’s Dung – Hing
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A Wei, Asafétida, Ase Fétide, Assant, Crotte du Diable, Devil's Dung, Ferula Asafoetida, Ferula Assa Foetida, Ferula assa-foetida, Ferula foetida, Ferula pseudalliacea, Ferula rubricaulis, Férule, Férule Persique, Food of the Gods, Fum, Giant Fennel, Heeng, Hing, Asa Foetida, Asafoetida, Gum asafoetida, Hing, Stinkasant, Agudagandha, Perungayam, Inguva, Perungayam, Hingu, Ferula asafoetida, hingu, ingina gida, ingu, karikkayam, kayam, perungayam, perungkayam, perunkayam. bahleeka, bhedana, bhutnasan, gathukam, hingu, ramatha, ramatta, sahasveani, sulanasan, acani, akutakantakam, akutakantam#, akutakantam, atakantam, atikanari, attiyakirakam, cakantirapeti, canam, canam, cantunacam, capapatankam, capapatankamaram, caranam, catukam, centutti, cukantiram, cukantiramaram, culakirutu, cuttakaitavam, cuttakaitavamaram, inku, inkuli, inkupumam, inkura, inkuramam, inkutumam, intuli b, intuli y, iramatai, iramatam, iramatam, iramatam, iranam, iratam, kanti, kanti, kapari, kaparimaram, karam, karavi, kayam, kayam, kecaram, kuracam, kuramatam, kutanacam, kutanacanam, kutaram, kuttaracam, nari, narimaram, narukam, narukamaram, narukatti, parunkayam, perungayam, perungkayam, perungyum, perunkayam, perunkayanari, putanacam, putanacini, ucitam, ukkirakantam, ukkirakentai, ukkirakentam, ukkitam, urappam, urappankayam, uraral, urpalacacanan, urpalacanan, urpalacanan, urumparam, vallikam, ingu, inguva, raamatamu.
Afghanistan Kama, Anguza
Bangladesh Hing
China A-wei
Denmark Dyvelsdrak
England Asafetida
Finland Asafetida, Hajupihka, Pirunpaska, Pirunpihka
France Asafetide, Assa foetida, Ferule persique, Merde du diable
Germany Asafetida, Asafotida, Asant, Stinkasant, Teufelsdreck
Greece Aza
Hungary Ordoggyoker
India Hengu, Hing, Hingu, Ingu, Inguva, Kayam, Perungayam, Perunkaya, Raamathan
Iran Rechina fena, Zaz
Italy Assafetida
Myanmar Sheingho
Netherlands Asafetida, Duivelsdrek, Godenvoedsel, Sagapeen
Norway Dyvelsdrekk
Pakistan Anjadana, Kama, Anguza
Poland Asafetida, Zapaliczka cuchnaca
Russia Asafetida
Spain Asafetida
Sri Lanka Perunkayan
Sweden Asafetida, Dyvelstrack
Tanzania Mvuje
Tibet Shing-kun
Turkey Setan bokosu, Seytan tersi
United States Asafetida, Devil's dung, Stinking gum
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There is recommendation of herbs use for specific dieases can we buy Ourself?
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Once you place an order there is less possibility of making changes, if you wish to do this, please call our customer support 8890166645 as soon as possible.
Is COD is available?
Yes, Free COD is available inspite of any quantity all over the india.
Do you deliver outside india?
Yes we do ship interntionally but for shipping charges please ask us separately on
Are all Raw product cleaned ?
Yes all the listed Raw product are cleaned and sortexed.
What is the normal shipping time for delivery of product?
Normally delivery of product will take 3-7 working days for order to be delivered.
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Narayana Namboothiri –
I make ayurvedic medicines at home and been using asafoetida in most of them. but getting good quality asafoetida was so difficult. Then I found trustherb and as an experiment i bought a sample and found it is of the best quality. Those who are looking for good quality ayurvedic products can surely trust on trustherb.