Category Archives: Nirmali nut

5 Amazing Niranjan Phal Benefits | Malva Nuts

Niranjan Phal Benefits

Looking to enhance your overall well-being? Explore the numerous health benefits of Niranjan Phal, a nutrient-rich nut that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. What is Niranjan Phal? Niranjan Phal, also known as the Chinese foxnut or Euryale ferox, is a type of seed that comes from a water plant called Euryale ferox. […]

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Nirmali

health benefits of Nirmali

Learn the Secrets of Nirmali: The Secret to Better Health! Get rid of bothersome eye problems, manage your blood sugar, and have beautiful skin. Goodbye to stomach issues and jaundice. Don’t miss out on the incredible health benefits of Nirmali.  Nirmali (Strychnos potatorum), also called Thethankottai, Chillachettu, Chetamperalu, Katak, Indian Gum nuts, and Neimal is […]