Areca Palm Plant Benefits: Impressive Indoor Palm Plant

Areca Palm Plant Benefits

Looking for a natural air freshener that should also be good for your health? So you’ve come to the right place. Here are the top ten areca palm plant benefits for you to consider.

We all appreciate a little touch of the tropics in our life. Indoor plants have existed for a while, but occasionally bringing a little touch of the outdoors inside may add the most spark to your space.

But how do we go about doing this? We might start with the Areca Palm, one of the most basic types of palms that can be easily transported inside the house.

About Areca Palm Plant

The Areca Palm is also known as the golden cane palm, yellow palm, butterfly palm, and bamboo palm. Dypsis lutescens is the scientific name for the plant. This Madagascar-native plant has become well-known for adding a unique vibe to your home.

Though areca palm trees have a limited outdoor range, once you start looking for them, you’ll notice areca palms in decor everywhere, from office spaces to shopping malls.

They are simple to grow, and their verdant green even aids in the removal of some toxins from the air. Also, for those of you who have pets, these beauties are non-toxic to both dogs and cats.

The plant can thrive in temperatures ranging from 16°C to 24°C, but sudden, abrupt temperature changes can harm the plant and cause brown spots on the leaf.

These plants are also taller than many other indoor plants. They are expected to reach a height of 6 to 10 feet.

Be aware of the amount of water the plant receives, as overwatering and improper soil drainage are the quickest ways to kill this tropical beauty. Plant in a pot with a drain pipe and well-draining potting soil.

The areca palm is a slow-growing indoor plant that prefers to be root-bound, thus it should only need repotting every 2 – 3 years.

10 Impressive Areca Palm Plant Benefits

Like many other indoor plants, the lush green areca palm plant has several benefits. The following is a list of 10 areca palm plant uses.

1) Air-purifying properties

The plant is best known for its ability to detoxify the air inside your home while also maintaining you feeling refreshed throughout the day.

A NASA study on clear air found that areca palms effectively remove airborne toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, all of which are known to harm your lungs in the long run.

This aids in removing pollutants and toxins from your indoor air, making it safer and fresher for you to breathe and thus helping protect you and your family.

2) Areca palms plant may boost oxygen

During the day, plants absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen through the natural photosynthesis process. As a result, all living houseplants naturally refill the o2 in your indoor air.

It’s also worth noting that the increased surface area of leaves speeds up the process and keeps adding more oxygen to the environment in general. And we already know that the plant in question with a huge number of green leaves produces more oxygen than less leafy houseplants.

3) Areca palms elevate humidity levels indoors

As previously stated, these plants do not necessitate much water, and in fact, water may be harmful to them. As a result, areca palms typically release moisture through their palm fronds to avoid overexposure to moisture.

Areca palms are known to be an amazing and organic way to increase the humidity in the air inside a dry home if you live in a dry region.

When you live in an arid environment and use air conditioning, a furnace, air conditioning, or a wood-burning stove, an areca palm can help to prevent the air in your home from drying out.

4) Areca palms are low-maintenance and easy to care for

Areca palms are low-maintenance and simple to care for when compared to many other indoor plants.

The main priorities for planting and caring for areca palms are ensuring that your plant receives adequate water while being planted in a container and that the soil drains easily while retaining some moisture.

However, in the spring and the summer, you will have to water your areca palm more frequently than in the fall and winter when the plant is dormant. The plant does not have to be repotted for another 2 or 3 years, which adds to the plant parent’s convenience.

5) A blessing in modern decor

One of the many advantages of the areca palm, and probably the most frequently cited reason for its buying and care, is the plant’s beautification and decor value. Areca palms, with their vibrant green, smooth, and lush palm fronds, are among the most wonderful houseplants.

They are not only beautiful, but they are also extremely large. They can grow up to six to ten inches per year, and properly cared for indoor plants can reach 5 to 8 feet tall at maturity.

Areca palms can also be used to fill an empty corner in your home or to create a striking centerpiece in a large but empty foyer.

6) Areca palm plant benefits in allergies

If you have allergies, Areca palms are among the best plants to have in your home. They have lesser pollen counts and are less likely to aggravate allergy symptoms.

Furthermore, they can lessen the pollen count of the air indoor spaces by maintaining the moisture in check (raising it), which results in a rapid decrease in allergen count in the house.

7) Plants that are drought resistant

Despite the fact that an areca palm prefers a mildly moist or humid soil environment at all times, they are surprisingly drought resistant.

Even so, if you add a new plant, avoid depriving it of humidity and moisture for the time being; instead, keep its soil moist. However, once the plant has settled roots in the provided pot, it will be able to withstand some water neglect.

8) Areca palm plant benefits in stress reduction

Most plants have honed their ability to create a sense of peace and relaxation in the environment that they are in. Houseplants have been found to help reduce stress by making people feel more at ease, calm, soothed, and pure in their surroundings.

Gardening and nurturing have been shown to reduce your heart rate and bring about peace and calm.

9) Could increase productivity

The existence of living plants in your office or, in the present predicament, work from home has been shown to increase productivity. According to studies, introducing indoor plants to an office increased employee productivity by 15%.

Plants were once, and continue to be, critical to human survival. Today, this link can be seen as a general decrease in stress and a boost in calmness and well-being.

Furthermore, this improves an individual’s ability to concentrate and allows them to focus more fully on the task at hand.

10) Enhance your space

Indoor plants not only add color and buoyancy to your home, but they also make it more liveable in some ways. Plants not only increase room humidity but also safeguard unsightly spaces and moderate room temp.

Once you’ve decided on the vibe you desire for a room, accessorizing it becomes second nature. Selecting the right type of green beauties makes it even simpler to add zing to the room. In this way, the areca palm plant benefits your health.

Buy Areca Palm Plant: Buy Now


Based on the information presented in the preceding points, we can clearly see that the areca palm plant has many benefits, ranging from being a decorative touch to a plant that combats allergies and improve mental health.

So, what are you holding out for? Get an Areca Palm Plant for your home right away!

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