Monthly Archives: April 2020

Ajmodha –Trachyspermum Ammi

Worldwide names of Ajmoda seed Hindi:- Ajmoda English:- Wild celery, Ajowan Bengali:- Randhuni Kannada:- Ajamodhavoma Tamil:- Asamtavomam Latin Name:- Trachyspermum Ammi, Other common names are:- Ajwain, Jowan, Yavano, Ajmoola, Oma, Omu, Ajamoda, Ova, Javano, Ajamoda, Ajamodika,  Dipyaka, Yavani, Yamanika, Omam, Omaan, Vamu, Shalari, Ajmud, Randhuni, Wild Celery, Bodiajmoda, Ayamodakam, Ajmoda, Kernauli, Bandhuri, Chanur, CARUM COPTIUM […]

Aak – Calotropis Procera

Worldwide name of Calotropis Procera Hindi :- Aak , Madar, Akoaa, Akwan, Aakan Sanskrit:- Ark, Mandar, Alark, Shukfal Marathi:- Aakada Bengali:- Aakand Gujarati:- Aakado English:- Mudar, Gigantic Swallow Wort, Apple of Sodom, Rubber bush; Rubber tree; sodom apple; Sodom’s milkweed; swallow-wort, Indian milkweed; mudar fibre; mudar plant; roostertree Latin:- Calotropis Procera, Calotropis Gigantica. Other common […]

Do you know your Ayurvedic body type?

One of the predominant concepts in Ayurveda is the tri-doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It is even said that the doshas are the foundational blocks of the traditional Ayurveda and each of us has an ayurvedic body type determined by these doshas. But what are they exactly?  Tri-doshas: According to Ayurveda, anything and everything in […]

Health benefits of Costus Roots

health benefits of costus root

Costus root (saussurea lappa), also known as kuth root or kushta is a powerful herb that is used for the rejuvenation of the whole body in Ayurveda. The root and the root oil of this plant are used extensively used in Ayurveda for treating various diseases because of its antibacterial, antioxidant, diuretic, antiseptic, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, […]

10 Incredible Health Benefits of the Cress Plant.

Garden Cress Plant

We often fail to understand the full composition of our daily food. In fact, you will be amazed to know that some of this daily food you eat have incredible health benefits like the cress plant. You may have seen this small power-packed plant in your salad and would have probably kept it aside on […]

Ayurvedic Solution for Baldness

Ayurveda Solutions for Baldness

Hair loss is one of the distressing things you can experience in your life. Seeing a handful of hairs when you comb and desperately witnessing your hairline thin every day is surely an awful experience. But the fact is that everyone including kids experience hair fall on a daily basis so the main concern here […]

Ayurvedic solution for sexual wellness

Ayurveda for sexual wellness

India is home to the 5000-year old Ayurveda that offers solutions for all kinds of health issues. This encompasses all your life practices and health including sexual wellness. Sex is considered an important part of our lives and sexual health plays a major role in leading a happy and satisfied life. Ayurvedic solution for sexual […]