Ajmodha –Trachyspermum Ammi

Worldwide names of Ajmoda seed

Hindi:- Ajmoda

English:- Wild celery, Ajowan

Bengali:- Randhuni

Kannada:- Ajamodhavoma

Tamil:- Asamtavomam

Latin Name:- Trachyspermum Ammi,

Other common names are:-

Ajwain, Jowan, Yavano, Ajmoola, Oma, Omu, Ajamoda, Ova, Javano, Ajamoda, Ajamodika,  Dipyaka, Yavani, Yamanika, Omam, Omaan, Vamu, Shalari, Ajmud, Randhuni, Wild Celery, Bodiajmoda, Ayamodakam, Ajmoda, Kernauli, Bandhuri, Chanur, CARUM COPTIUM ,Spanish : Aipo, French : Celeri ,German : Sellerie ,Swedish : Selleri ,Arabic : Karafs ,Dutch : Selderij ,Italian : Sedano ,Portuguese : Apio ,Russian : Syel’derey , Japanese : Serorii ,Chinese : Chin, Spanish : Aipo, French : Celeri ,German : Sellerie ,Swedish : Selleri ,Arabic : Karafs ,Dutch : Selderij ,Italian : Sedano ,Portuguese : Apio ,Russian : Syel’derey ,Japanese : Serorii ,Chinese : Chin.

There Are twenty types of species belongs to this aromatic genus, which are grown mostly in Africa, Asia ( India, China). In India, Ajmoda is an important crop for various uses in Ayurveda medicine as well as industrial purposes.Its seed has high thymol content which is found in thyme herb.

It requires Moist soil and Good sunlight for cultivation. Its seeds are sown in Autumn/spring and when whole plants have flowers for extraction of oil the whole plant cut. Its seeds are collected from flowers.

Parts used:- the whole plant, it’s oil and seeds.

Properties:- It has bitter, thyme herb like smell and aroma, and has expectorant properties.it relaxes the spasms, improves the digestion.

Other uses:-

1:- It helps in relaxing joint pains

2:- It proves helpful in treating bronchitis, asthma, and cough.

3:- It helps cure gas, bloat, and indigestion.

4:- It stimulates the digestive system

5:- It proves helpful in intestinal parasites and cramps.

6:-It is the best herb to detoxify the body.

7:-It is an effective herb for curing inflammation and pain.

8:-it is helpful in sore throat

9:- In toothache it also proves helpful.

How to take Ajmoda:-

1:- Ajmoda can be taken as a kwath form Take 5-10 grams of Ajmoda seed, add a glass of water and boil this mixture in the pan in low flame until half water left. Filter the water with help of a sieve and drink this kwath 4-5 teaspoon 2-3 times a day after meals.

2:- It can be taken as powder form too Roast the Ajmoda seed and then after cooling grind the seed and a half teaspoon are taken with hone/water once or twice a day.

3:- For toothache its roasted powder can be rub on teeth slowly and after half-hour washes the teeth with water it helpful in toothache and removing teeth cavities.

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