Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea), also known as Cobra Saffron, Ceylon Ironwood, Indian rose chestnut, and Sirunagappu is an important herb in Ayurveda. Nagakesar is an evergreen ornamental tree that produces beautiful and fragrant flowers. Nagkesar tree is found across Asia in almost all countries including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, and Sumatra regions. The amazing […]
Category Archives: Ayurvedic products and herbs
Bakula Pushpa (Mimusops elengi), also called Spanish cherry, Bakula, Indian medlar, Bulletwood tree, and Maulsari is a popular herb in Ayurveda. It is an evergreen tree with sweet-scented flowers and it is often grown as a garden tree. This tree is native of India and is also cultivated in North and Peninsular India and the […]
Are you looking for a natural way to enhance your health and well-being? Check out the incredible Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri, a potent herb with centuries of use in Ayurvedic medicine. Bacopa monnieri, also known as brahmi, water hyssop, thyme-leaved gratiola, and herb of grace, is an ancient herb with proven benefits. It may help […]
Brain health and memory decline over time and as people age, they will experience a cognitive decline. In fact, declining memory and declining mental health affect 25% of all the people over 80. This is why it is important to take care of yourself mentally by boosting your brain health and memory as you age. […]
Weak bones and low bone density are conditions that can affect anyone including children and women. It also serves as an anchor for our muscles. So, it is important that we maintain strong bones and improve our bone density. But today’s modern diet that contains insufficient nutrients coupled with a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to […]
Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) also known as Kilanelli or nelanelli is one of the potent herbs in the Ayurvedic system. It is also called Seed under leaves, Stonebreaker, Bhumi Amalaki, or Gale of the wind. This plant is found in the temperate climate all over India. It is called ‘Bhumi amla’ because it is a […]
Losing weight is not easy and losing belly fat is an uphill task. But the right combination of regular exercise and a balanced diet is an effective way to lose weight. This is where ayurvedic herbs and products shine. Ayurveda promises not just to make you lose stubborn belly fat but also provides you with […]
Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrata), also called Karisalankanni, Kayyunni or false daisy is a popular herb in Ayurveda known for its numerous health benefits. This incredible herb belongs to the sunflower family and is widely used all over the world for its immense benefits for hair and overall health. This herb is native to India and Southwest […]
Ayurveda is the wellness system that originated in India around 5000 years ago. Ayurvedic principles focus on mindful nutrition, stress reduction, and the cultivation of a balanced lifestyle. While Ayurvedic principles are mostly used for weight loss and in the treatment of other diseases, not many people realize that they can use the same principles […]
Sitaphal (Annona squamosal), commonly called Custard apple or sugar apple is a delicious fruit that is common in India. This fruit is native to the West Indies and the American continent but is largely cultivated in the temperate regions of India. The soft and creamy fruit is protected by hard skin and has lots of […]