The dried unripe berries of P. dioica, often known as Allspice or Jamaican pepper, were discovered in Jamaica during Christopher Columbus’ expeditions and are today found in all continents with distinct names in over 50 languages. Two of the recognised chemicals identified from Allspice, Eugenol and Gallic acid, have been demonstrated to exhibit specific antiproliferative […]
Category Archives: Ayurvedic products and herbs
Alfalfa, also known as lucerne or Medicago sativa, is a plant that has been used as animal feed for centuries. It has long been regarded for its higher vitamin, mineral, and protein content than other feed sources. Alfalfa belongs to the legume family, although it’s also classified as a herb. It has originated in South […]
Yams (Dioscorea) are a tuber vegetable indigenous to Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean. It contains a fleshy, potato-like root (tuber) that can be used for food or medicine in times of famine. Bitter yams found in the wild are likely to contain toxins, thus they must be soaked and cooked before eating. Farmers’ bitter yams, […]
Wondering what benefits Agrimony herb has on your health? Find out here! Agrimony is a powerful herb that can improve your well-being in a number of ways. Agrimony, a perennial herb native to Europe and Asia, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. As more research into its […]
Agarwood extract, often known as Oud, is one of the most valuable products of the protective resin of the Agarwood tree. Lord Krishna, the God of Protection in India, is said to enjoy its perfume, while Buddha declared that burning Agarwood gives the “scent of Nirvana.” Agarwood trees are endemic to Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, […]
Abhrak Bhasma is a traditional ayurvedic formulation that uses abhrak ash or calcined mica ash to cure and manage a variety of ailments, including sexual and reproductive issues, respiratory illnesses, liver and stomach diseases, and mental and psychosomatic disorders. It is a mineral compound that contains tiny amounts of silicon, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and aluminium. […]
Explore the 6 incredible health benefits of cumin, a flavorful spice that has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. From reducing weight and cholesterol levels to preventing cancer, discover how cumin can enhance your health and well-being. Cumin is a spice with a strong, warm flavor that is commonly used in cuisines around the […]
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), commonly known as Garden Thyme, Serpyllum, Banajwain, Kuttelkraut, Common Thyme or Tomillo, is a flowering plant primitive in Southern Europe and Asia. In India, Thyme is grown mainly in the Himalayas and Nilgiris as it requires mild weather with mallow hill soil. It is an aromatic and flavourful seasoning herb, extensively used […]
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), popularly known as Madder, Rubia root, Majith or Manjitti, is a popular Ayurvedic herb that assists in blood purification. The herb is primitive in India, Nepal, China, Bhutan, Greece and North Africa. The cultivation of Manjistha is found mainly from the hilly subtropical regions to the sub-temperate areas of India, principally in […]
Fennel Green (Foeniculum vulgare), popularly known as Sauf, Sweet Fennel, Sweet Cumin, Madhurika, Saunf or Variyali, is a perennial herb, mostly found in India, Romania, Japan, France, Russia, and Germany. India is the top producer of fennel green and is extensively grown in Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. […]