Tag Archives: herbaltreatment

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pugsley (Parpataka).

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pugsley - Ayurvedic Treatment.

Parpataka (Fumaria indica), also called fine leaf fumitory, Indian fumitory, Pugsley, earth smoke, Tura and Pitta Papada is an Ayurvedic herb used for treating numerous diseases in Ayurveda. This is usually seen as a weed and is found in all parts of India and Pakistan. They grow wildly in plains and lower hills of India, […]

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Nagkesar

Health benefits of Nagkesar

Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea), also known as Cobra Saffron, Ceylon Ironwood, Indian rose chestnut, and Sirunagappu is an important herb in Ayurveda. Nagakesar is an evergreen ornamental tree that produces beautiful and fragrant flowers. Nagkesar tree is found across Asia in almost all countries including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, and Sumatra regions. The amazing […]

5 Potent Health Benefits of Bakula Pushpa

Health benefits of Bakula Pushpa

Bakula Pushpa (Mimusops elengi), also called Spanish cherry, Bakula, Indian medlar, Bulletwood tree, and Maulsari is a popular herb in Ayurveda. It is an evergreen tree with sweet-scented flowers and it is often grown as a garden tree. This tree is native of India and is also cultivated in North and Peninsular India and the […]

Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri | Waterhyssop

Health Benefits of Brahmi

Are you looking for a natural way to enhance your health and well-being? Check out the incredible Benefits of Bacopa Monnieri, a potent herb with centuries of use in Ayurvedic medicine. Bacopa monnieri, also known as brahmi, water hyssop, thyme-leaved gratiola, and herb of grace, is an ancient herb with proven benefits. It may help […]

5 Impressive Health Benefits of Baheda

health benefits of Baheda

Baheda (Terminalia bellirica), also known as Bibhitaki or Vibheetaki is one of the important herbs in Ayurveda. The word ‘Vibheetaki’ in Sanskrit translates as ‘the one that keeps away from diseases’. There are nearly 100 varieties of Baheda trees that are distributed throughout the world. But this deciduous tree is native to India and is […]

5 incredible health benefits of Gulbakshi

Incredible health benefits of Gulbakshi

Gulbakshi (Mirabilis Jalapa), also known as Jalapa root, the marvel of Peru and Four O’clock flower is an ornamental plant that is common around the world. This plant is said to have originated in Mexico. The word ‘Mirabilis’ in Latin means ‘wonderful’ and Jalapa is the state capital of Veracruz in Mexico, hence the name […]

Black Salt Benefits – A Nutritious Addition to Your Diet

Black Salt Benefits

Looking for a tasty and healthy way to upgrade your meals? Look no further than black salt! This nutrient-rich ingredient has been shown to boost digestion, improve many health problems, and enhance the flavor of your favorite dishes. Our guide explores the many benefits of black salt. Get ready to spice up your diet and […]

5 Amazing Kalmi Shora Benefits | Salt Stone Uses

Health Benefits of Kalmi Shora

Are you struggling with persistent joint pain or kidney stones? Learn how this powerful ingredient can alleviate joint pain and dissolve kidney stones, enhancing your well-being in numerous ways! Kalmi Shora, also known as Potassium Nitrate or saltpetre, is a fascinating compound with a rich history in Ayurvedic medicine. While it’s famously known for its […]

Health benefits of Costus Roots

health benefits of costus root

Costus root (saussurea lappa), also known as kuth root or kushta is a powerful herb that is used for the rejuvenation of the whole body in Ayurveda. The root and the root oil of this plant are used extensively used in Ayurveda for treating various diseases because of its antibacterial, antioxidant, diuretic, antiseptic, antiulcer, anti-inflammatory, […]

Ayurvedic Solution for Baldness

Ayurveda Solutions for Baldness

Hair loss is one of the distressing things you can experience in your life. Seeing a handful of hairs when you comb and desperately witnessing your hairline thin every day is surely an awful experience. But the fact is that everyone including kids experience hair fall on a daily basis so the main concern here […]