Ayurveda is all about a holistic lifestyle that is harmony with nature. It focuses on bringing the body in tune with nature to preserve life and prevent sickness. According to Ayurveda, diet, and environment plays a major role in our overall health. With the right diet that suits your body type, you can lead a […]
Category Archives: Ayurvedic products and herbs
Worldwide names of Acorus Calamus:- Hindi:- Bach, Vacha, Ghorvatt, Ghod Bach, Gorbacch, Barja Sanskrit:- Bacha, Ugragandha, Golomi, Shudr Patra, Mangalya, Jatila, Ugra Marathi:- Bekhand, Bengali:- Buch, Vuch, Gujarati:- Baj, ghodabaj, English:- Sweet flag, Sweetflag, myrtle flag, sweet rush, sweet sedge. Latin:- Acorus calamus, Acoruslodoratus. Other common names:- Bhajae,Vasambu, Xiang pu, Ye chang pu, Wan nam, […]
Worldwide names of Aconitum Ferox:- Hindi:- Bachnag, Mitha vish, Meeta Telia, Singiya, Vish Dakra, Singi Mohra Sanskrit:- Vatsanbha, Vish, Amrit Marathi:- Buchnag Bengali:- vajnag, vujnag, buchnag English:- Indian Aconite, Monk’s hood, Latin:- Aconitum Ferox Other common names:- Aconite tuber, friar’s cap, helmet flower, soldier’s cap, Aconite, Monkshood, Wolfsbane, devil’s helmet, wutou, futzu, and bushi, aconito; […]
Worldwide names of Sida Cordifolia:- Hindi:- kharenti, Bariyari, Briyara, Sanskrit:- Bla, bala, batyalika, Marathi:- chikna, thoral chikna Bengali:- Bedela Gujarati:- Khapaat, Balaa, Khereti English:- Country Mallow, Sida Latin:- Sida Rotundifolia, Sida Althacifolia, Sida Herbacea, Sida Cardifolia Other common names:- Hettuti-gida, Katturam, Bala, Chikana, Tupkaria, Bajromuli, Badiyalaka, Heart Leaf Sida, Bor Sonborial, Berela, Kharinta, Barial, Chittuharalu, […]
Worldwide names of Castor Root:- Hindi:- Rendee, Erand, Andu, Arandi, Erandi Sanskrit:- Vatari, Panchangul, Gandharva hasta Marathi:- Erandee Gujarati:- Erando Punjabi:- Erand English:- Castor Root, Castor oil plant. Latin:- Ricinus Comminis Other common names are:- ricin commun, bima; hongbima; hongdamazi; tianmaziguo, palma Christi, Wonder Tree, Arandi, Kege, Amnakku, Vilakkennai, hierba mora; higuera del diablo; ricino; […]
Worldwide names of Bambusa Arundianacea:- Hindi:- Baas, Bans , Kanta Baas Sanskrit:- Tabashir, Tabasher Marathi:- Kallak, Bamboo Bengali:- Bansh Gujarati:- Bans, Magae, Nal, Illi English:- Bansalochan, Male Bamboo, Spiny Bamboo Latin:- Dendrocalammus Strictus Other common names:- Bamboo manna, Giant Thorny Bamboo, Banskapur, Vanoo, Banz, BansKapur, Toncor, Wans, Vanskapur, Vas-nu-mitha, Banschlochan, Baans, Baansh, Baroowa Bans, Tabashir, […]
Are you tired of the endless cycle of losing weight, again and again, only to gain it back? Are you fed up with the strict and tasteless diet plan that doesn’t bring any results? Perhaps it is time for you to turn towards a more holistic approach of losing weight through Ayurveda. Ayurveda and weight […]
Yoga and Ayurveda are two of the best things that India has gifted to the world. For more than 5000 years, both Yoga and Ayurveda are practiced in India for the wellness and benefit it brings to our lives. Both of these practices complement each other very well. In fact, Yoga and Ayurveda are not […]
Explore 11 surprising benefits of black turmeric! It reduces inflammation, fights infections, improves skin health, and boosts brain function. See how this superfood can transform your health and vitality today. Don’t miss out on these amazing benefits! Black turmeric, also known as Kali Haldi, is a lesser-known variety of turmeric used for centuries in traditional […]
Chamomile (Chamomilla recutita), also called scented mayweed or Gul Babuna is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. The Egyptians considered this plant sacred and believed it was a gift from the God of Sun. Although Chamomile originated in Egypt, it is extensively used in the Indian Ayurvedic system due to its […]