Category Archives: Ayurvedic products and herbs

5 incredible health benefits of Oregano

Health benefits of Oregano

Oregano (Origanum Vulgare), a popular spice that is used all across the world to improve the flavour of food is an incredible Ayurvedic herb. It is also called Spanish thyme or wild Majoram. It is native to the Mediterranean area and southwest Eurasia. The name oregano comes from the Greek words ‘Oros’, meaning mountain, and […]

5 potent health benefits of Lata Kasturi

Health benefits of Lata Kasturi

Lata Kasturi (Abelmoschus moschatus), also called Musk mallow, Muskdana, Kasturi bhindi, Vettilaik Kasturi, or Kal Kasturi is a potent medicinal herb in Ayurveda. This potent medicinal herb has a soft, hairy stem and a long taproot. It can be identified by its large, bright yellow flowers and musk-scented seeds. It is native to India and […]

5 amazing health benefits of Vrikshamla

Health benefits of Garcinia Indica Vrikshmala

Vrikshamla (Garcinia Indica), also called Kokum, Komal, Amlaveta, Wild Mangosteen, Murgala, Puli, Amosole and Titidika is one of the popular herbs in Ayurveda. It is found in the Western Ghats of India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Asia, Africa, and Polynesia. This plant bears nutrient-rich, dark red colored fruit that is useful for medicinal purposes. The […]

5 amazing health benefits of Anantmool

Health Benefits of Anantmool

Anantmool (hemidesmus indicus root), also referred to as Sariva, Kapuri, Asfota, Utpal, Shyama, Nannari, or Indian Sarsaparilla, has a wide range of use in the Ayurvedic system. It is a great herb that has many versatile properties. This plant has woody, aromatic roots, and colorful flowers. This climber is found throughout India. It is mostly […]

5 fascinating health benefits of Giloy

Health benefits of Giloy

Giloy Ghanvati (Tinospora cordifolia), also called heart leaved moonseed, Guduchi or Gulbel is a famous Ayurvedic herb that is used extensively for treating various diseases. In Ayurvedic medicine, Giloy Ghanvati is considered to be one of the three Amrit plants (Nectar of Gods). Hence, this plant is also known as Amritavalli. Amrita literally translates to […]

5 amazing health benefits of Prishniparni

Health benefits of Prishniparni

Prishniparni (Uraria picta), also called Dabra, Pithavan, Dhavani, Chitraparni, Agniparni, and Sittirappaladi is an important herb in the Ayurvedic medicine system. It is one among Dashamoola- a combination of roots of ten medicinal herbs. It is found in Nepal, India, China, and Northern Australia. In India, it is widely found in Bihar, Orissa, and West […]

5 incredible health benefits of Triphala

triphala churna benefits

Triphala has been used as a healing remedy for over 1000 years. Triphala powder is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy that is prepared from the combination of three medicinal plants native to India- Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), Black Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), and Belleric Myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). It is used as a natural remedy for a variety […]

5 Fascinating Health Benefits of Mulethi

Health benefits of Mulethi licorice

Are you looking for natural remedies to improve your overall health and well-being? Mulethi is a powerful plant that provides many health benefits. Learn more about its amazing efficacy today! Explore the amazing health advantages of Mulethi, a sweet root used frequently in Ayurveda therapy. This plant has a wide range of unexpected health advantages, […]

5 fascinating health benefits of Amaltas

Health Benefits of Amaltas

Amaltas (Cassia fistula), also called purging cassia, golden shower tree, Indian laburnum, Aragwadha, Samopaka, Konnai, and Pudding pipe tree has been extensively used in the Ayurvedic system for treating various ailments. This medium-sized tree contains beautiful bunches of yellow flowers. It is native to India and Pakistan and is also found in China, Thailand, South […]

5 Amazing health benefits of Miswak root

health benefits of miswak

Miswak (Salvadora persica), also called Pilu, Peelu, Jhaka, Toothbrush tree, Salt brush tree, Perungoli and Arak is one of the most popular herbs in Ayurveda. This small bushy tree has a scabrous and cracked bark. The root bark has a pleasant fragrance of cress or mustard. The plant is native to Persia and is found […]