Tag Archives: herbalremedies

Top 5 Herbs for Bone Health | Herbs for Osteoporosis

Herbs to Increase RBC Count

Our bones play a significant role in staying fit and living a healthy life. One cannot perform daily tasks efficiently without the support of the bones. Bones are also in charge of the human body’s structure. As a result, we must take the best possible care of our bones’ health. There are several herbs for […]

7 Surprising Mustard Seeds Benefits

mustard seeds benefits

Mustard is a popular condiment made from mustard plant seeds. This Mediterranean-native plant is related to nutrient-dense vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Its seeds and leaves are both edible, making it an excellent ingredient. Mustard seeds benefits are abundant. Aside from its culinary applications, mustard has a long history of use as […]

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Cherry

cherry fruit benefits

Did you know that this small stone cherry fruit has dozens of health benefits? This article will go over the amazing health benefits of cherry fruit that will benefit your health. Cherries are delicious and nutritious fruit that has been enjoyed for centuries. They are not only a tasty treat but also a powerhouse of […]

How to Increase Platelet Count Naturally

Herbs to Increase RBC Count

Did you know how to increase platelet count naturally without any side effects? This article will discuss how to naturally increase platelet counts in your blood. Platelets, those minuscule blood cells integral to the blood clotting process, are produced in the bone marrow and circulate in the bloodstream. They play a vital role in preventing […]

Health Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil

Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil

Benefits of Ginger Essential Oil (Ginger Oil Uses) Ginger Essential Oil, also known as Ginger Root Oil, is derived from the root of the Zingiber officinale herb, also known as Ginger. The ginger essential oil has earned the nickname “The Oil of Empowerment” due to the sense of confidence it instills. When used in aromatherapy, […]

Top 10 Henna Leaves Benefits | Mehendi Leaves Benefits

Henna leaves benefits

Henna / Mehendi Leaves Benefits Lawsonia inermis L., also known as Mehendi or henna, is a densely branched shrub or small tree grown for its various medicinal parts (stem bark, roots, flowers, and seeds). It thrives in tropical and subtropical climates. Mehendi’s benefits are frequently mentioned in the history of Indian medicine, including Ayurvedic, Siddha, […]

Custard Apple Benefits (Cherimoya)

benefits of custard apple

Custard apple benefits are plenty. It contains a high concentration of nutrients that can improve your mood, immunity, and digestion. Enhance your health with cherimoya. Custard apple, also known as cherimoya, is a tropical fruit with a creamy texture and sweet taste similar to banana and pineapple. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, […]

Top 6 Anjeer Fruit Benefits | Dry Fig Fruit Benefits

anjeer fruit benefits

Anjeer Fruit Benefits / Dry Fig Fruit Benefits L. Ficus carica is also known as ‘anjeer‘ in Hindi and ‘fig’ in English. It is produced in Egypt, Turkey, Morocco, Spain, Italy, Greece, California, and Brazil, among other places. It grows well in hot, dry, and slightly cold environments. Figs are consumed both fresh and dried […]

Amazing Health Benefits of Aloo Bukhara

Health benefits of aloo bukhara

Health Benefits of Aloo Bukhara Aloo Bukhara, or plum, enters the arena in the summer to escape the sweltering heat. This juicy stone fruit is jam-packed with health-promoting and disease-prevention properties, as well as a punch of well-balanced subtle sweet and intense flavour. Aloo Bukhara, also known as plum, has purple, red, orange, and yellow […]

8 Incredible Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil (Neelgiri Oil )

benefits of eucalyptus oil

Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil Australian-native eucalyptus trees are now cultivated and used for their therapeutic benefits all over the world. Eucalyptus oil, which is made from the tree’s oval leaves, is the source of their medicinal powers. The essential oil is extracted by crushing, drying and filtering the leaves. Before the oil can be used […]