5 amazing health benefits of Chirchita

5 amazing health benefits of Chirchita

Chirchita (Achyranthes Aspera Pennel), commonly called Prickly chaff flower, Apamarga, Apang, or Devil’s horsewhip is a powerful healing plant in Ayurveda. It is grown in tropical regions like Asia and Australia and is generally found at an altitude of 900m. This is a notorious plant because the spine-like spores of this plant catch the clothes and are difficult to remove. The amazing health benefits of Chirchita has made it one of the important herbs in Ayurveda.

Chirchita in Ayurveda:

The seeds, flowers, and leaves are widely used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. Even in Ayurvedic texts like Chakra Samhita, they have named a full chapter after this plant ‘Apamarg Tanduliya’. According to Ayurveda, it balances both Kapha and Vata doshas in the body. It has a pungent and bitter taste and has hot potency. It is enriched with alkaloids, essential oils, tannins, glycosides, and ecdysterone. It also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, laxative, antioxidant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-poison properties. Here are a few amazing health benefits of Chirchita.

Health benefits of Chirchita:

1. Chirchita for digestive health

One of the important health benefits of Chirchita is its ability to improve digestive health. It clears the ama toxin from the body and helps in improving metabolism. The decoction prepared from the Chirchita flower can provide relief from colic pain, gastric disorders, and bloating.

2. Chirchita for heart health

Chirchita is considered as an Hridya in Ayurveda. It helps to improve heart health by clearing out the cholesterol deposits on the heart that hamper with the blood circulation. It also improves the functioning of the heart.

3. Chirchita for increased urine production

Chirchita is a natural cure for kidney issues. It has diuretic properties that can relieve one from the difficulty of passing urine. It also helps breakdown and eliminate renal and urinary bladder stones and provides relief from other kidney problems. 

4. Chirchita for animal bites

Chirchita is considered as one of the best Ayurvedic herbs for treating animal bites. The anti-poison property of this herb acts as a good natural remedy for snake, dog, and scorpion bites. The pulp of the Chirchita leaves is applied externally on the affected area to get instant relief.

5. Chirchita for cough

Chirchita is a potent cold-clearer. It helps in breaking down the mucous in the respiratory tract and throat and removes it from the body. It also provides relief from frequent coughing and bouts.

Chirchita is one of the important herbs in Ayurveda that is loaded with medicinal properties. Thus, by using these amazing health benefits of Chirchita effectively, we can lead a healthy and happy life.

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