Nagkesar (Mesua ferrea), also known as Cobra Saffron, Ceylon Ironwood, Indian rose chestnut, and Sirunagappu is an important herb in Ayurveda. Nagakesar is an evergreen ornamental tree that produces beautiful and fragrant flowers. Nagkesar tree is found across Asia in almost all countries including India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Thailand, Malaysia, and Sumatra regions. The amazing health benefits of nagkesar has made it one of the prominent herbs in the Ayurvedic system.
Nagkesar in Ayurveda:
The leaves, seeds, roots, and fruits of Nagkesar are used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. According to Ayurveda, Nagkesar pacifies all the three doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It has an astringent and bitter taste and cold potency. The main chemical constituents of Nagkesar include Mensuol, Silosterol, fatty acids, cyclohaxodine, mesuanic acid and, a and b- amyrin. It also has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antimicrobial, wound healing, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and digestive properties. Here are a few amazing health benefits of Nagkesar.
Health benefits of Nagkesar
1. Nagkesar for bleeding
One of the biggest health benefits of Nagkesar is its ability to arrest bleeding. It is mainly used in Ayurveda for treating bleeding disorders caused due to Pitta imbalance. It helps in the treatment of piles, menorrhagia, and epistaxis.
2. Nagkesar for digestion
Nagkesar is very helpful for managing indigestion. It helps clear the weak digestive fire caused due to aggravated Kapha. It also improves the digestive fire and helps in boosting the digestive power.

3. Nagkesar for fever
Nagkesar is an amazing herb for reducing fever and its symptoms. Since it has the ability to pacify all the three doshas, Nagkesar can be used for different types of fever caused by different types of doshas.
4. Nagkesar for asthma
Nagkesar pacifies the vitiated Vata dosha and deranged Kapha dosha in the lungs responsible for asthma. It helps in removing the excess mucus from the lungs and provides relief from breathlessness.
5. Nagkesar for women
Nagkesar is extremely beneficial for women suffering from excessive bleeding during menses. It acts as a hemostatic and acts on the blood capillaries to cure excessive bleeding. It also acts as an aphrodisiac.
Nagkesar is an amazing medicinal plant that is found all over India. But the uses and health benefits of the Nagkesar are still unknown to many people. So, it is time that we realize the full potential of the Nagkesar and use it for the betterment of our health.

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