5 Fascinating Health Benefits of Pashanabheda.

Health Benefits of Pashanabheda

Pashanabheda (Bergenia ligulate), commonly called Pashanabheda, Sirupilai, and Stonebreaker is an ayurvedic herb with numerous health benefits. This small shrub grows only at an altitude of 900-3000 meters. The root of the plant has a distinct reddish colour. It is widely spread in the plains and mountain region of the Himalayas between the wedges of the stones of the mountain. The fascinating health benefits of Pashanabheda has made it one of the prominent herbs in the Ayurvedic system.

Pashanabheda in Ayurveda:

The root of this plant is extensively used in the Ayurvedic system due to its medicinal properties. According to Ayurveda, it balances all the three doshas- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. It has a bitter, astringent taste and cold potency. The main chemical constituents of Pashanabheda include bergenin, gallic acid, starch, glucose, tannins, mucilage, C-glycoside, and b-sitosterol. It also has diuretic, antipyretic, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, antiurolithic, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antiulcer properties. Here are a few fascinating health benefits of Pashanabheda.

Health benefits of Pashanabheda

1. Pashanabheda for kidney stones

One of the biggest health benefits is its ability to treat kidney stones. It is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs to remove kidney and urinary tract stones due to its antilithic property.

2. Health Benefits of Pashanabheda for wounds

Pashanabheda roots are very useful in managing wounds and other skin problems. The anti-inflammatory property of Pashanabheda helps manage boils, wounds, and inflammation on the skin.

3. Pashanabheda for increased urine production

Pashanabheda is an excellent diuretic. The root extracts of the Pashanabheda plant is given to patients who are suffering from bladder inflammation and urinary retention to promote urination. 

4. Pashanabheda for children

The root paste of the Pashanabheda is applied with honey in small children to reduce the pain of gums during the eruption of milk teeth. It is also helpful in managing fever in children due to its antipyretic property.

5. Health Benefits of Pashanabheda for heart

Pashanabheda is a great herb for heart health. It acts as a cardiac tonic and helps in maintaining a healthy heart. It is also very helpful in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. The root extracts help in reducing high blood sugar levels.

Pashanabheda is an amazing medicinal plant that has a lot of uses. But the uses and health benefits of the Pashanabheda are still unknown to many people. So, it is time that we realize the full potential of this plant and use it for the betterment of our health. 

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