5 Potent Health Benefits of Callicarpa Macrophylla

Health Benefits of Callicarpa macrophylla

Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla), also called Beautyberry Phalini and Daya, is an ayurvedic herb with various health benefits. It is a perennial shrub that is found in the North-Eastern parts of India and the Himalayan region. This plant produces clusters of small violet fruits called Beautyberries that are used for decorative purposes. But this beautiful plant is an amazing medicinal plant in Ayurveda. The potent health benefits of Callicarpa macrophylla has made it one of the important herbs in the Ayurvedic system.

Callicarpa Macrophylla in Ayurveda:

The root, bark, leaves, and berries of Priyangu are used in Ayurveda for its medicinal purposes. According to Ayurveda, it is a tridosha shamaka- it balances all the three doshas. It has a bitter, sweet, and astringent taste and cold potency. The main chemical constituents of Priyangu include calliterpenone, acetate, crategolic acid, luteolin, and fatty acids. It also has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and anti-amnestic activity. Here are a few potent health benefits of Callicarpa macrophylla.

Health benefits of Callicarpa Macrophylla:

1. Callicarpa Macrophylla for fevers

One of the biggest health benefits of Callicarpa macrophylla is its ability to treat fevers. It is well-known for its cooling actions in Ayurveda. It can be used to control fever and cool the body from any burning sensation. 

2. Callicarpa Macrophylla for skin and face

The bark of Priyangu has certain chemical compounds that are beneficial for skin and face. Applying the bark powder on the face and skin lightens the skin tone and provides relief from acne and pimples.

3. Callicarpa Macrophylla for internal bleeding

Priyangu is an excellent herb to arrest internal bleeding. It is mainly used in Ayurveda for treating bleeding disorders caused due to Pitta imbalance. It helps in the treatment of peptic ulcers and internal piles.

4. Callicarpa Macrophylla for improving strength

Priyangu is loaded with antioxidants that protect the body from the effect of harmful free radicals. The dried powder of Priyangu along with milk helps in boosting immunity and improving the overall strength of the body.  

5. Callicarpa Macrophylla for swelling and pain 

Priyangu is a great herb for treating swelling and pain in the body. The anti-inflammatory properties of this herb help in reducing the inflammation in the joints. All you need to do is to rub the oil obtained from Callicarpa macrophylla leaves over the affected area.

Callicarpa macrophylla is a potent herb in Ayurveda that can be used to combat a variety of conditions like external swelling and internal bleeding. Thus, supplementing with this plant is an easy and effective way to benefit from the incredible health benefits of Callicarpa macrophylla.

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