Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Conjunctivitis

If you are suffering from Conjunctivitis, reach for these Ayurvedic home remedies to cure your condition quickly and naturally! Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, is a highly contagious eye infection that can cause redness, itching, and swelling of the eyes. While there are various over-the-counter medications available for treating conjunctivitis, many people prefer to […]

Amazing Bitter Gourd Benefits for Your Health and Wellness

Bitter gourd benefits

Are you trying to supplement your diet with a new superfood? Look no further than bitter gourd! This unique vegetable, also known as bitter melon, has been used in traditional medicine for centuries due to its many health benefits. In this article, we will explore 5 amazing benefits of bitter gourd for your health and […]

Effective Home Remedies for Arthritis (Osteoarthritis)

Home Remedies for Arthritis

Say goodbye to joint pain and hello to a healthier, happier you with our natural home remedies for arthritis. Discover how to reduce inflammation, improve joint mobility, and soothe stiffness with our expert tips and tricks. Don’t let arthritis control your life – try our remedies today and reclaim your freedom! What is arthritis? Arthritis […]

5 Best Ayurvedic Herbs For A Healthy Heart

Ayurvedic herbs for a healthy heart

Heart ailments have surfaced as the leading cause of death in men and women worldwide. A study shows the occurrence of sudden cardiac death is estimated to be higher in men than women. Approximately 75% of the cardiac fatalities have been reported in men. Therefore, it becomes necessary to take care of one’s health, especially […]

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Bergamot

Health Benefits of Begamot Essential Oil

Bergamot Herb (Monarda Didyma), commonly called Monarda, Bee Balm, Horsemint, or Oswego Tea, is an aromatic herb famous for its pain-relieving and cholesterol reduction properties. It is a primitive plant in North America and belongs to the Lamiaceae family of the plant species. The health benefits of Bergamot can be gained via its fruit and […]

5 powerful health benefits of Latakaranja

Health Benefits of Latakaranja

Latakaranja (Caesalpinia crista), commonly called Gataran, Kalarchikai, and Fever nut is a powerful herb in Ayurveda. It is considered as an effective Ayurvedic herb that can be used for all kinds of fever, hence the name fever nut. The seeds of this plant have a unique property that when rubbed against a rough surface, it […]

Himalayan Birch – Bhojpatra – Betula utilis

Worldwide names of Betula- Hindi:-  Bhujpatra English:-Birch, Himalayan silver birch Sanskrit:- Bhojrapatra Bengali:- Bojpatra Punjabi:- Bhuj Telgu:- Bhujupatri Latin:-  Betula Bhojapatra, Betulaceae Other Common names of Birch are:- Bhejpattra, bhiy, bhoj patra, bhoja, bhojpatra, bhuj, bhujpatar, bhujpattra, bhurj, pad, bhuyapathra, bhujapatram, bhurjjamaram, bahulavalkala, bahulavalkalah, bahupata, bahuputa, bahutvaka, bahuvalkala, bhuja, bhurja, bhurjagranthi, bhurjah, bhurjapatra, bhurjapatraka, bhutaghna, […]

Gotu Kola – Centella Asiatica

Worldwide names of Centella Asiatica- Hindi:-  Brahmi, Kotyali, Birhmi Sanskrit:- Surma, Soumylata Bengali:- Brahmishaak English:- Indian Penny Wort, Pegaga. Latin:- Hydrocotyle Asiatica, centella Asiatica. Other Common names are:- Khulakhudi, peruk, karivana, Hnah-bial-lambak, manduki,Brahmi soppu,Saraswati soppu, Tambuli gida, Ekpani, Umdri, Kutakam, kutannal, Khadabrahmi, Ballari,Bheki,Brahmamanduki, Gadde baraga,Ilikivi soppu, Ondelaga, Brahmabuti,Ghod-tapre, Spadeleaf, Bar Manimuni, Brahmamanduki, Thanakuni, Mandukaparnni, Manduki,Mula […]

Glory Bower – Bharangi – Clerodendrum Serratum

Worldwide names of Clerodendrum Serratum- Hindi:-  Bharangi Sanskrit:- Bhumi Jambuk, Bharangi Bengali:- Vaman Hati English:-Glory Bower Latin:- Premna Herbesia Other Common names are:- Nangal Bhanga, Pumi aye,Beja oti esing,Clerodendrum serratum, Brahmanayashtika, Kharashakha, Padma, Kasajith, Barbura,Baharangi, Kasaghni, Phajuka, Vatari, Beetle killer, Blue glory, Bharangi, Cheruthekku, Angaravalli, Brahmanayashtika, Bamun Hatee, Baman hatee, Bhuijam,  Bharangee, Gantubarangee, Bharangee, Bharanggantubarangi, […]

Chinaberry Tree – Bakayan Phal – Melia Azedarach

Worldwide names of Melia Azedarach:- Hindi:- Mahanim, Bakayan, Baken, Dharek, Dakano Sanskrit:- Mahanimb. Ramyak, Girinimb, Marathi:- Bakaan Nimb, Bilayati nim Bengali:- Ghodanimb English:- Persian Lilac, Common bead tree, Cinaberry Latin:- Melia Azedarach Other Common names are:- Bead Tree, Lilac Tree,Bakain, Seizrak, bakan-nimb, Chinaberry Tree, Persian Lilac, Pride of India,  Bakarjam, Kattu Vembhu, Bakenu, China tree, […]