Category Archives: Uncategorized

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Suranjan (Colchicum Luteum)

Health Benefits of Suranjan

Ever heard of Suranjan? This powerful herb, also known as Colchicum Luteum, is packed with incredible health benefits. Want to know how it helps with joint pain, inflammation, and more? Keep reading the 5 amazing health benefits of Suranjan! Suranjan is among the most powerful herbs graciously gifted by Nature. An ancient cure, this has […]

Senna Leaves Benefits | Senna Makki Tea Uses

Senna Leaves Benefits

Explore the amazing senna leaves benefits for digestion, skin, and hair. Learn how senna Makki tea helps with detox, constipation, and IBS. Plus, a simple DIY senna tea recipe! What is Senna? Senna is a medicinal herb obtained from the leaves of the Senna alexandrina plant. Traditionally, it had been massively used for its purgative […]

What are the Skunk Vine Benefits?

skunk vine benefits

Gandha Prasarini, or Paederia foetida, as per scientific nomenclature, is a medicinal plant with wide applications in Ayurveda concerning several health benefits. This herb is more popularly known as skunk vine or stink vine because of its awful smell. This herb, otherwise, is known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and digestive properties. The Paederia foetida plant […]

5 Amazing Benefits of Skunk Vine for Hair

Benefits of Skunk Vine for Hair

Want healthier hair naturally? Explore the top benefits of Skunk Vine! Boost growth, fight dandruff, and strengthen strands with Skunk Vine powder.Nature has, and will ever be, the best repository of hair care solutions; Skunk Vine is the hidden gem when it comes to hair health. This magical herb is packed with nutrients essential for […]

Medicinal Uses of Gloriosa Superba

Uses of Gloriosa Superba

Discover the amazing medicinal uses of Gloriosa Superba, or Kalihari, the flame lily. Learn how such an interesting plant works in treating joint pains, skin disorders, menstrual health, and many more. Gloriosa Superba is known as flame lily or Kalihari, a flowering plant that embodies beauty and usefulness at the same time. Being a visual feast with its vivid, flame-colored petals, the real value lies in its […]

Health Benefits of Manihari Namak

Manihari Namak benefits

Have you ever pondered over the benefits of Vida Lavana to your body? Learn about Manihari Namak benefits, a unique salt that enhances digestion, balances electrolytes and improves overall well-being. Health Benefits of Manihari Namak For those who are foodies and health freaks-something vastly wonderful that is there for you to add into your diet: […]

6 Amazing Benefits of Vernacular Herb

Benefits of Vernacular Herb

Do you know that close to 70% of the population in India takes traditional herbal medicine for health care? Vernacular herbs have played a central role in healing since time immemorial. These herbs give advantages that modern science is just starting to understand. Lets explore the list of amazing benefits of vernacular herb here. Vernacular […]

Amazing Benefits of Jod Plant for Health, Skin, and Hair

Benefits of Jod Plant

Experience the incredible benefits of the Jod Plant, also known as the Grewia Plant, Gangeran Plant, or Gangadi Plant. From boosting your health to enhancing skin glow and hair strength, discover why this natural remedy is a must-have in your wellness routine.The Jod Plant, also called the Grewia Plant, Gangeran Plant, or Gangadi Plant, is […]

Benefits of Kuber Plant | Crassula Ovata or Jade Plant

Benefits of Kuber Plant

Looking to attract wealth and positivity to your home? Discover the incredible benefits of the Kuber Plant (Crassula Ovata), also known as the Jade Plant. How does this succulent bring prosperity, purify air, and relieve stress? Let’s dive in! What is Kuber Plant (Crassula Ovata or Jade Plant)? The Kuber Plant, also known as Crassula […]

Benefits of Mango Seeds | Benefits of Aam ki Guthli

Mango Seeds Benefits

Mango seeds aren’t just the core of your favorite summer treat—they’re a powerhouse of health benefits! These often-overlooked seeds can do wonders, from improving digestion to promoting heart health. Want to know how mango seeds can boost your health? Let’s explore the 12 surprising benefits of Mango Seeds. 12 Surprising Benefits of Mango Seeds When […]