Category Archives: Multani Mitti

Top 13 Health Benefits of Multani Mitti

benefits of multani mitti

Ever wondered how Multani Mitti works wonders for your skin and hair health? Prepare to be amazed! Say goodbye to acne, welcome vibrant hair growth, and get started on a beauty routine free of toxins. The amazing health benefits of Multani Mitti will make you glow naturally! Multani (pronounced mahna-nee) means “to get rid of […]

5 Amazing health benefits of Multani mitti for skin and hair

benefits of multani mitti

Multani mitti, also called the ‘Fullers earth’ and bentonite clay is nature’s gift for skin and hair. In the olden days, the Fullers or textile workers used to clean impurities from raw wool with a mixture of water and clay, hence the name Fuller’s earth. It is a yellowish-white, tasteless, odorless, and mineral rich-clay material […]