Category Archives: Ayurvedic products and herbs

5 Benefits of Safed Musli for sexual health

5 Benefits of Safed Musli for sexual health

If you are seeking a safe and natural remedy without any side effects to improve your sexual performance, it’s time you know about the ‘Herbal Viagra’- Safed Musli. Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) commonly called Musli or Indian spider plant is a powerful Ayurvedic herb that is famed for its potent aphrodisiac properties. Due to its […]

5 Potent health benefits of Tatri

Health benefits of Tatri

Tatri commonly called citric acid is a mild acid that is found naturally in citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruits. Due to its acidic, sour-tasting nature, Tatri is predominantly used as a flavoring and preserving agent in soft drinks and candies. But Ayurveda identified the potent health benefits of Tatri a long […]

5 Surprising Wild Onion Benefits You Need to Know

wild onion benefits

Explore the incredible wild onions benefits for your health! From heart health to skin conditions, menstrual disorders, and more, these versatile plants offer a natural solution. Read on to learn how wild onions can improve your well-being. Wild onions, also known as ramps, are a unique and flavorful member of the allium family. While they […]

Plants According to Planets in Astrology


In Astrology each planet have their symbolic plant, which helps to increase the positive energy , Health of person if planted according to Astrology. Navaratan Garden – Navgrah Plants. 1:- Sun– This is for Improving memory and intellectual of person. This planet increase the Status, Name and fame of person Plants and herbs for Sun […]

5 Impressive health benefits of Safed Musli

Health Benefits of safed musli

Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum) commonly called Musli or Indian spider plant is a rare ayurvedic herb that has immense healing properties. It is often referred to as ‘White gold’ or ‘Divya aushad’ due to its rarity. It is native to India and is found in the wet forests of peninsular India. This powerful Ayurvedic herb […]

Health Benefits of Drumstick

moringa leaves benefits

Drumstick (Moringa oleifera), commonly called ‘Moringa’ or ‘Shigru’, is a ‘superfood’ that has been a part of the Indian diet for ages. Moringa derives its name from the Tamil word, Murunga kaai, meaning twisted pod. It is native to India and is widely found in all parts of India. It is now grown in tropical […]

Black Salt Benefits – A Nutritious Addition to Your Diet

Black Salt Benefits

Looking for a tasty and healthy way to upgrade your meals? Look no further than black salt! This nutrient-rich ingredient has been shown to boost digestion, improve many health problems, and enhance the flavor of your favorite dishes. Our guide explores the many benefits of black salt. Get ready to spice up your diet and […]

Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd to turn your health around

Dried Bitter Gourd for Health

Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), commonly called ‘Karela’ or Bitter melon, is a popular vegetable in Indian households. As the name indicates, it has a bitter taste. It is native to the tropical and subtropical regions of India and Africa. Despite its bitter taste, Karela has numerous health benefits that make it one of the most […]

Health Benefits of Amaranth

Amaranth for health benefits

Amaranth (Amaranthus blitum) commonly called Rajgira or Rama’s grain is a multipurpose grain and leafy vegetable popular in many parts of the world. This plant, which is of South American origin, is grown in many parts of India. The amaranth leaves benefits are particularly well-known. The term ‘Amaranthus’ in Greek means immortal. Although the herb […]

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Asafoetida

health benefits of asafoetida

Health Benefits of Asafoetida | Benefits of Hing Asafoetida, also known as hing, is an essential component of Indian cuisine, particularly in curries and dals. It is a latex gum derived from various species of the perennial herb ferula. Its distinct flavor and aroma can completely transform any mundane dish. Furthermore, it has long been […]