Category Archives: Flax Seeds

Home Remedies to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Home remedies to lower cholesterol

Home remedies to lower cholesterol level Trying to lower your cholesterol but feeling overwhelmed? Then don’t worry, try these home remedies to lower cholesterol naturally without any side effects! Everyone’s body contains both good and bad cholesterol. The body requires good cholesterol to function normally and produce vitamins. High levels of bad cholesterol, in contrast, […]

6 Surprising Health Benefits of Flax Seeds

health benefits of flax seeds

Flax is a powerhouse of nutrients that contribute to better health. Here are six surprising health benefits of flax seeds. Discover how they can enhance your health and provide various health benefits! Flax seeds are tiny oil seeds high in omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, and other plant compounds. They can boost digestion and reduce the […]

Amazing health benefits of Flaxseeds- The ‘Superfood’:

Health benefits of flaxseeds

Flax seeds, obtained from the flax plant are one of the oldest crops known to man that dates back to 3000 BC. In fact, the scientific name of Flaxseed is Linum usitatissimum, which literally translates to ‘The most useful’. For hundreds of years, flax seeds are used in Ayurveda for its health benefitting properties. In […]

The Advantages of Flaxseed


With a Latin name that means “valuable,” flaxseed has withstood the preliminaries, tribulations, and digestive ails of history. Actually, flax seeds have been valuable and the advantages of flaxseeds can tackle various issues since the start of human progress. As one of the most established yields, it was initially utilized as a fibre for attire and […]