Custard Apple Benefits (Cherimoya)

benefits of custard apple

Custard apple benefits are plenty. It contains a high concentration of nutrients that can improve your mood, immunity, and digestion. Enhance your health with cherimoya.

Custard apple, also known as cherimoya, is a tropical fruit with a creamy texture and sweet taste similar to banana and pineapple. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and is loaded with antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body.

Cherimoya is high in nutrients that help regulate blood pressure, such as potassium and magnesium, and may support immunity, reduce inflammation, and promote eye and heart health. It is often eaten chilled with a spoon like custard, mixed into yogurt or oatmeal, or blended into smoothies or salad dressings. Incorporating cherimoya into meals and snacks can provide a delicious way to boost health.

Surprising Benefits of Custard Apple

1) Custard apple is high in antioxidants

Custard apple is high in antioxidants, which aid the body’s fight against free radicals. Excess free radicals can cause oxidative stress, which has been linked to several chronic diseases, including cancer and heart disease.

Certain custard apple compounds, such as kaurenoic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, and vitamin C, are extremely powerful antioxidants.

Antioxidants are abundant in both the peel and the pulp, with compounds in the peel being particularly effective at preventing oxidative damage.

However, you should avoid eating the custard apple peel due to health concerns.

2) Cherimoya helps with boosting your mood

The fruit contains vitamin B9, also known as folate, which is necessary for the synthesis of proteins and DNA. Folate is linked to mood regulation, and its deficiency has been associated with decreased activity of immune system cells.

3) Custard apple benefits eye health

Custard apple contains a high concentration of the carotenoid antioxidant lutein, which is one of the main antioxidants in your eyes that fight free radicals and help keep your vision healthy.

Several studies have linked high lutein consumption to better eye health and a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a condition that causes eye damage and vision loss.

Lutein may also protect against other eye problems like cataracts, which are a clouding of the eye that causes poor vision and vision loss. The highest lutein levels in the blood were associated with a 27% lower risk of developing cataracts than the lowest levels.

As a result, consuming lutein-rich foods such as custard apples may benefit eye health and reduce the risk of conditions such as AMD and cataracts.

4) Custard apple may support immunity

Custard apple, like other tropical fruits, is high in vitamin C, a nutrient that aids the body’s defense against infection and disease. A lack of vitamin C has been linked to decreased immunity and an increased risk of infection.

Taking vitamin C can help to shorten the duration of a common cold. However, the research is mixed, with most studies focusing on supplements rather than dietary vitamin C.

Consuming custard apples and other foods high in this vitamin is a simple way to maintain a healthy immune system.

5) Custard apple may prevent high blood pressure

Custard apple is high in potassium and magnesium, two nutrients that help regulate blood pressure. Notably, 1 cup (160 g) contains 10% of the daily potassium value and more than 6% of the daily magnesium value.

Potassium and magnesium both aid in the dilation of blood vessels, which lowers blood pressure. High blood pressure increases your chances of getting heart disease or having a stroke.

According to one study, consuming the DV for potassium — 4,700 mg per day — can reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by about 8 and 4 mm Hg, respectively. These were the top 5 custard apple benefits.

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The custard apple is a tropical fruit that is sweet and creamy. It contains a lot of nutrients that can help your mood, immunity, and digestion.

In contrast, custard apples contain trace amounts of toxic compounds, particularly in the skin and seeds. Remove the skin and seeds of the custard apple before eating it. This unique fruit can be a great addition to a nutrient-dense, well-balanced diet.

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