How to Increase Bone Density | Herbs for Osteoporosis

Herbs for Osteoporosis

There are several herbs for osteoporosis that can facilitate the growth and maintenance of strong bones. Lean here how to increase bone density.

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weak, fragile bones that are highly susceptible to fractures. This typically occurs as people age due to a reduction in bone-protecting hormones, which leads to bone loss. Postmenopausal women and older men are particularly at risk. Additionally, factors like body size, ethnicity, family history, diet, medical conditions, certain medications, lack of physical activity, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.

Often dubbed a “silent” disease, osteoporosis rarely shows symptoms until a fracture or spinal collapse occurs. By the time it’s diagnosed, individuals may experience back pain, a loss of height, or a hunched posture as a result of these injuries.

Though various medications are available to treat osteoporosis, many people have turned to herbs as a natural alternative to support bone health. In this article, we explore the scientific research behind herbal remedies and their potential to help manage bone loss and osteoporosis.

How to Increase Bone Density?

Natural Herbs for Strong Bone

1) Dandelion herb strengthens weak bones

Dandelion, scientifically known as Taraxacum officinale, is high in nutrients that are essential for bone health. Anyone suffering from conditions such as osteoporosis is advised to consume calcium-rich foods. Dandelion is one such herb high in calcium and silicon. It not only strengthens but also repairs the bones.

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2) Thyme for bone healing

The Mediterranean plant thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is well-known for its therapeutic properties, which include better bone health. A six-month trial on postmenopausal women revealed that thyme, especially when mixed with sage and rosemary, enhanced bone mineral density more than a calcium/vitamin D3 combination. Thyme is a great source of calcium, vitamin K, and other bone-supporting minerals.

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3) Horsetail herbs for osteoporosis

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a large perennial plant native to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North America, historically used for treating wounds, tuberculosis, and kidney problems. It contains antioxidants like quercetin, oleanolic acid, and ursolic acid, which may help increase calcium levels and promote bone growth.

Horsetail is also rich in silica, which has been linked to better bone mineral density. However, studies suggest calcium supplements may be more effective for bone health.

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4) Gotu kola herb for osteoporosis

The herb Gotu kola Centella Asiatica, also known as Gotu Kola, is a tea or capsule that is used to improve the health of cartilage and ligaments. They are the organs in charge of attaching bone joints together. If not taken care of, one can develop bone or joint pain, especially in old age. If you work a lot of physical labour, you should include this herb in your diet.

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5) Red Sage herbs for osteoporosis

Red sage (Salvia miltiorrhiza), also known as danshen in Chinese herbal medicine, has shown promise in improving osteoporosis. A review of 36 clinical trials reported over 80% improvement in osteoporosis cases, though most studies were small and short-term.

Red sage contains compounds like salvianolic acid, tanshinones, and magnesium lithospermate B, which may boost bone health by preventing inflammation and supporting bone growth. It also provides vitamin K, essential for strong bones.

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6) Red Clover to increase bone density

Red clover (Trifolium pratense), a herb from the legume family, has long treated menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, along with conditions like cancer, respiratory issues, and skin problems. Research offers mixed results on red clover’s impact on osteoporosis. A 2015 study of 60 menopausal women who took 150 mg of red clover for 12 weeks showed improved bone mineral density compared to a placebo group.

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There are several herbs for bone health that can facilitate the growth and maintenance of strong bones. Strong bones are fundamental for overall health and well-being, so everyone should prioritize bone health. Simply by including these herbs in your diet, you can start improving your bone strength right away.

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