Health Benefits of Jatamansi (Spikenard)

Health Benefits of Jatamansi

Did you know about the remarkable health benefits of Jatamansi? From relieving epilepsy to enhancing nerve function, and promoting better sleep, hair growth, and skin treatment—explore the natural solutions this flowering herb offers. Explore its antibacterial properties and buy Jatamansi online for a healthier you.

What is Jatamansi?

Jatamansi, also known as “tapaswani” in Ayurveda, is an amazing herb you should know about. This small, hairy plant might be endangered, but it has benefits. Think of it as a brain booster – it helps improve memory and brain function thanks to its antioxidant properties. Plus, it can calm your mind, helping with anxiety and insomnia.

If you’re into skincare, you’ll love that Jatamansi helps prevent wrinkles due to its oily nature. It’s also great for healing wounds. Just mix Jatamansi powder with honey and take it once or twice a day to boost your memory.

Applying Jatamansi oil can fight infections and aging for your skin because of its antifungal and antioxidant effects. And if you’re looking for hair growth, Jatamansi is your friend. It increases follicular size and extends the growth phase of your hair. Just apply the oil or use a root paste to strengthen and grow your hair.

Properties of Jatamansi Herb

  • Neuroprotective: Potential brain-protective effects.
  • Antiarrhythmic: Alleviates heartbeat irregularities.
  • Hair Care: Enhances hair health for silky and smooth strands.
  • Hypertension Support: Shows promise in managing hypertension.
  • Scorpion Sting Relief: This may mitigate the effects of scorpion stings.
  • Appetite Stimulation: Exhibits potential to increase appetite.
  • Liver Health: Preliminary benefits for liver health.
  • Digestive Comfort: Relieves phlegm and flatulence.
  • Antispasmodic: Offers relief from spasms.

Nutritional Value of Jatamansi

Jatamansi has a variety of nutritional properties. The presence of a combination of chemicals contributes to its numerous benefits. Here’s a table showcasing the nutritional value of Jatamansi:

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories49 kcal
Carbohydrates11.7 g
Protein0.6 g
Fat0.9 g
Fiber8.6 g
Vitamin C8 mg
Calcium185 mg
Iron2.8 mg
Magnesium229 mg
Phosphorus47 mg
Potassium853 mg
Sodium40 mg
Zinc1.4 mg
Copper0.2 mg
Manganese0.5 mg
Selenium0.5 µg
Vitamin B60.3 mg
Folate7 µg
Vitamin E0.3 mg
Vitamin K0.5 µg

What are the Health Benefits of Jatamansi?

1) Jatamansi benefits epilepsy and seizures

Jatamansi is a powerful herb that can help manage epilepsy symptoms. In Ayurveda, epilepsy is called Apasmara, and it involves seizures caused by abnormal brain activity, leading to rapid body movements and sometimes unconsciousness. This condition affects all three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Jatamansi works to balance these doshas and reduce seizure episodes. Its Medhya (intelligence-boosting) properties also support healthy brain function.

Here’s a quick tip: Take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Jatamansi powder. Swallow it with honey once or twice a day after meals to help control epilepsy symptoms.

2) Jatamansi benefits for the brain

Jatamansi offers incredible benefits for the brain. This powerful herb enhances memory and boosts mental alertness. It works by balancing the Vata dosha, which controls the nervous system in Ayurveda. When Vata is balanced, your brain functions better, and you experience improved cognitive abilities. Jatamansi also has antioxidant properties that protect brain cells from damage, further supporting overall brain health.

3) How to use jatamansi for sleep?

Jatamansi is excellent for promoting sound sleep. In Ayurveda, an aggravated Vata dosha can make the nervous system overly sensitive, leading to insomnia (Anidra). Jatamansi helps by calming the nervous system and balancing all three doshas, thanks to its Tridosha balancing property. Its unique Nidrajanana (sleep-inducing) effect makes it perfect for those struggling with sleep issues.

Here’s how to use Jatamansi for sleep:
Take 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Jatamansi powder.
Swallow it with honey once or twice a day after meals to help manage insomnia.

4) How to use jatamansi for hair growth?

Jatamansi is fantastic for promoting hair growth and improving hair health. This herb increases follicular size and prolongs the growth phase of your hair. Moreover, it fortifies hair strands, reducing their vulnerability to breakage.

How to Use:

  • Make a paste using Jatamansi root powder and water or coconut oil.
  • To your hair and scalp, apply the paste.
  • Leave it on for 30-60 minutes.
  • Use your regular shampoo and thoroughly rinse with lukewarm water.

5) Jatamansi is used for skin health

Jatamansi is a fantastic natural remedy for various skin issues. It’s particularly effective in treating dermatitis and fungal infections that cause itching, crusting, and scaling. When it comes to wrinkles, which often result from aging, dryness, and lack of moisture, Jatamansi works wonders. According to Ayurveda, wrinkles are linked to an aggravated Vata. Jatamansi’s oily nature (Snigdha) helps combat wrinkles by increasing skin moisture, reducing dryness, and leaving your skin soft and glowing.

How to Use Jatamansi for Skin:

  • Take 2-5 drops of Jatamansi oil.
  • Add one or two teaspoons of coconut oil and mix.
  • Once or twice a day, apply this mixture to the affected area.
  • Use daily for best results, ensuring your skin stays glowing and wrinkle-free.
  • Regular use of Jatamansi can help you achieve healthy, radiant skin.

6) Jatamansi benefits in bacterial infection

Jatamansi powder’s antibacterial properties are effective in treating a variety of bacterial infections, including cholera, food poisoning, and septic tetanus. These were the uses and health benefits of jatamansi.

Buy Jatamansi Online: Buy Now


Jatamansi has a wide range of uses and health benefits. It can aid in the treatment of epilepsy, enhance nerve function, promote better sleep, encourage hair growth, alleviate skin issues, and treat bacterial infections. When used in the recommended dosage, jatamansi root formulations are generally safe and non-toxic.

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