5 Impressive Health Benefits of Gurmar (Madhunashini).

Health Benefits of Gurmar

Madhunashini (Gymnema Sylvestre), commonly called Gurmar, Gudmar, Cowplant, Shirukurinjan, and Medasinghi is one of the potent herbs in Ayurveda. This small climber can be seen all over India in the temperate climate. It is also found in tropical areas in Asia, Africa, and Australia. In India, it is grown extensively in Uttar Pradesh and Goa. The impressive health benefits of Gurmar has made it one of the important herbs in the Ayurvedic system. 


Gurmar in Ayurveda:

The leaves and roots of Gurmar are used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. It is mainly used for treating patients who are suffering from diabetes. According to Ayurveda, Gurmar helps in reducing Kapha and Pitta dosha. It has a bitter and astringent taste and hot potency. The main chemical constituents of Gurmar include triterpenoid, gymenic acid, glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, angelic acid, ferulic acid, etc. It also has anti-diabetic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, and hepato-protective properties. Here are a few impressive health benefits of Gurmar..

Health Benefits of Gurmar

1. Gurmar for High Blood Sugar Levels

One of the biggest health benefits of Gurmar is its ability to treat high blood sugar levels. It enhances the production of insulin by stimulating the pancreas. It also helps to maintain heart health by regulating healthy blood sugar levels. 

2. Health Benefits of Gurmar for Respiratory Problems

Gurmar is beneficial for treating respiratory problems like asthma as it helps to eliminate accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract. It also reduces the swelling of the air pipe and helps in easy breathing.

3. Gurmar for Bleeding Disorders

Gurmar is an excellent herb for treating bleeding disorders. The chemical constituents present in Gurmar arrest the bleeding in wounds. It is also useful for conditions such as menorrhagia and piles.

4. Health Benefits of Gurmar for Skin Problems

The leaves and root extracts of Gurmar are very helpful for treating skin problems such as psoriasis and chronic dermatitis. It also helps reduce generalized burning sensation in the whole body.

5. Gurmar for Low Urine Output

Gurmar is an excellent diuretic. The leaf and root extracts of this plant are given to patients who are suffering from bladder inflammation and urinary retention to promote urination. 

Gurmar is an amazing medicinal plant that is found all over India. But the uses and health benefits of the Gurmar are still unknown to many people. So, it is time that we realize the full potential of this plant and use it for the betterment of our health. 

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