Surprising Health Benefits of Galangal Root

Health Benefits of Galangal Root

Are you searching for natural remediations to various health conditions? Galangal Root might be the solution. Here, learn health benefits about galangal root.

Alpinia galanga, the real name of galangal, is from the ginger family Zingiberaceae. It is extensively grown in China, Indonesia, India, and Sri Lanka in hot areas with plenty of sunlight. Plants may grow up to 3.5 cm long and have underground roots, rhizomes, which may grow and develop in a color considered other.

Galangal root – which exists as a spice found on the south asian region, is greatly related to ginger and turmeric – is widely used in chinese, indonesian, malaysian, and thai cuisines. This is claimed to present many health benefits that include inflammation reduction, improved male fertility, fighting infections, and even possibly preventing certain types of cancer. In this article, health benefits of galangal root are discussed.


Nutritional Count of Galangal

Nutritional ComponentValue
Total Energy27 ± 0.79 kcal
Protein1.41 ± 0.04%
Carbohydrate3.64 ± 0.22%
Fiber3.58 ± 0.54%
Fat0.85 ± 0.09%
Calories from Fat7.65 ± 0.50 calories
Potassium589 ± 0.89 mg
Calcium41 ± 1.42 mg

Health Benefits of Galangal Root

Alpinia Galanga, or Kulanjan, has multiple health benefits, and this is what the explore benefits that come with the Galangal root:

  • Anti-Microbial: The galangal may have the potential to possess antimicrobial activities that assist in fighting different forms of microorganisms.
  • Antioxidant: Found antioxidant to human beings, proved free radical scavenger as well.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: It seems to have some kind of anti-inflammatory effect and can experimentally give a good hand to the body in relieving some inflammation.
  • Immunity booster: True, Galangal is believed to work toward strengthening the immune system of the body, so that it can battle infections.
  • Liver Protection: Hepatoprotection is another reproach purported to galangal, which provides protection and gives a boost to the liver.
  • Anti-Allergic: Galangal is possibly anti-allergic and combats allergic reactions.
  • Anti-Cancer: According to studies, galangal can be an anti-cancer agent and tends to prohibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Antiplatelet Agent: It is yet proved to behave with patients as an antiplatelet agent to prevent thrombosis.
  • Digestive Enhancement: So, galangal improves digestion and probably further improves the digestion process for overall health.

Galangal Root Uses and Benefits

1) Galangal’s uses for bacterial infections

Galangal shows to be useful for combating bacterial infections through a duration of inhibition of the growth of multiple microbes, such as S. pyogenes, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, P. aeruginosa and E. coli. The antibacterial effect of the root may damage cell membranes, inducing fluidization and subsequent tendency to clot.

Before using galangal for infections, especially with regards to potential complications, it is essential to seek advice from healthcare providers.

2) Benefits of Kulanjan rhizome in the case of diabetes

Alpinia root is health-promoting for diabetes, as indicated by the reports of animal studies. Laboratory studies further show that extracts of alcoholic galangals can lower blood sugar levels in diabetic animals. In addition, galangal may potentially reduce levels of low-density lipoproteins, which can indicate the possibility of preventing diabetic complications from the heart.

Diabetes itself is a serious condition wherein the patient has to stringently follow all prescriptions and treatments by doctors. If anyone wants to use Galangal Root or any other herb to treat diabetes, they must do it under healthcare professionals and not self-treatment.

3) Alpinia galanga root benefits the stomach

Alpinia Galanga Root (commonly galangal) is found to be useful for digestive system. Alcohol extracts have shown antisecretory activity that could inhibit ulcer development. Galangal root treatment alleviates symptoms such as pain, diarrhoea, ulcer and indigestion and stomach comfort.

Nevertheless, it is very important to consult a physician first before any galangal application, particularly in the treatment of stomach ulcer, etc., in order to guarantee safe and effective application.

4) Pan root benefits fungal infections

Galangal shows promise for the treatment of fungal infections, which has been demonstrated with several studies. It has been suggested as an alternative to conventional antifungal drugs, with alcohol extracts demonstrating significant inhibition of fungi growth, including C. albicans and T. longifusus in lab studies.

But, if fungal infections are concerned, it is mandatory to see a physician prior to galangal use. Self-treatment with galangal or any herbal remedy for fungal infection itself could aggravate the condition, signifying the necessity of expert consultation in these situations.

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The health benefits of galangal root are supported by traditional usage and increasingly by scientific studies. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised and a qualified medical opinion sought before using galangal for certain medical conditions.

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