5 amazing health benefits of Vrikshamla

Health benefits of Garcinia Indica Vrikshmala

Vrikshamla (Garcinia Indica), also called Kokum, Komal, Amlaveta, Wild Mangosteen, Murgala, Puli, Amosole and Titidika is one of the popular herbs in Ayurveda. It is found in the Western Ghats of India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Asia, Africa, and Polynesia. This plant bears nutrient-rich, dark red colored fruit that is useful for medicinal purposes. The amazing health benefits of Garcinia Indica / Vrikshamla have made it one of the prominent herbs in the Ayurvedic system.

Vrikshamla in Ayurveda

The fruit, root bark, seed oil, and tender leaves are used in Ayurveda for their therapeutic properties. According to Ayurveda, the ripe fruit of Vrikshamla balances Vata and Kapha dosha and unripe fruit pacifies Vata dosha and increases Kapha and Pitta dosha. It has a sour, sweet taste and hot potency. The main chemical constituents of Vrikshamla include L-Leucine, cuxanthone, volkensiflovone, garcinol, isogarcinol, glycolipids, and neutral lipids. It also has digestive, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-fungal properties. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of Garcinia Indica/Vrikshamla. 

Health benefits of Vrikshamla

Lose weight easily

One of the biggest health benefits of Garcinia Indica / Vrikshamla is its weight management capabilities. It contains a compound called HCA (Hydroxycitric acid) which acts as an appetite suppressant. It also reduces the conversion of carbohydrates to fats, thus helps in weight management.

Improve heart health 

Vrikshamla is low in calories but rich in dietary fiber. It has zero cholesterol and the presence of minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and manganese makes it an amazing herb for protecting our heart. 

Boost immunity naturally

Vrikshamla is loaded with nutrients that are essential for our body. It has a healthy mixture of B-vitamins, ascorbic acid, manganese, potassium, and dietary fiber. It also has antibacterial and anti-viral properties that make it an excellent herb for boosting immunity. 

Vrikshamla for skincare

Vrikshamla is full of antioxidants that fight the harmful free radicals in the body. These antioxidants improve the texture of the skin. It also has anti-aging properties that help in the repair and regeneration of cells. 

Boost intestinal health

Vrikshamla can be helpful for people suffering from digestion issues. It also provides relief from dysentery and constipation. It also has cooling properties that prevent the incidence of dehydration and stroke. 

Although Vrikshamla is a common fruit that is consumed by many in India, not many people know about the amazing health benefits of Garcinia Indica / Vrikshamla. It is a powerhouse of antioxidants and nutrients that offer multiple benefits to our health.

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