Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus Niruri), also known as Kilanelli, is one of the most powerful herbs in the Ayurvedic system. The numerous Bhumi Amla benefits have made the herb famous. The plant is also known as ‘Nella Nelli plant’, ‘Stonebreaker’, ‘Seed under leaves’, or ‘Gale of the wind’. Although some famous herbs are found in specific regions such as the Himalayas, the Bhumi Amla is found all over regions in India that have a temperate climate.
The term ‘Bhumi Amla’ roughly translates to ‘spirit of the Earth’ and is usually found in the rainy season. The incredible health benefits of Bhumi Amla have made it one of the prominent herbs in the Ayurvedic system. There are several Bhumi amla uses, as we shall examine in the article.
Bhumi Amla in Ayurveda
All the parts of the Nela Nelli plant, including the leaves and roots, contain medicinal properties. The plant is therefore a popular herb in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, this herb pacifies both Kapha and Pitta dosha. It has a bitter, astringent, and sweet taste while having a cold potency.
Bhumi Amla is an important ingredient of Chyawanprash (an Ayurvedic ingredient used to preserve strength, stamina, and vitality). It has antispasmodic, astringent, anthelmintic, hepatoprotective, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, antiviral, laxative, and diuretic properties. Here are a few incredible Bhumi Amla health benefits.
Incredible Bhumi Amla benefits for health
1. Bhumi Amla uses for liver and spleen
The benefits of Bhumi Amla for liver make the herb stand out amongst others. Bhumi Amla has the incredible ability to stimulate the function of the liver and spleen. The leaf of the Nela Nelli plant benefits the body when made as a decoction. When consumed, this decoction helps in flushing out the toxins. Bhumi Amla is thus effective for maintaining healthy liver and spleen functions.
2. Bhumi Amla uses for digestive system
While there are several benefits of Bhumi Amla for liver, the herb is also an effective Ayurvedic remedy for all kinds of problems related to the digestive system. It is used to treat constipation, hyperacidity, indigestion, loss of appetite, and diarrhea.

3. Bhumi Amla uses for skin diseases
Due to its blood purifying properties, Bhumi Amla benefits the skin and is very useful in the treatment of skin diseases. So, this paste is effective in treating skin infections like rashes and boils. The paste from the leaves of Bhumi Amla can be externally applied to the skin.
4. Treatment for different types of fever
Bhumi Amla benefits those suffering from all kinds of fever. These fevers include even malaria and typhoid. The Bhumi Amla herb is loaded with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antipyretic properties. This, as a result, makes it one of the best herbs for treating fever.
5. Improves overall strength
Bhumi Amla is filled with all the essential nutrients required for the body. As a result, the juice obtained from the leaves of this plant act as a tonic. This juice, when consumed, improves stamina, vitality, and helps in boosting the overall strength of the body. Bhumi Amla is therefore useful in helping rejuvenate your system.
Bhumi Amla is therefore a highly potent herb in Ayurveda. This is because the herb can be used to combat a wide variety of conditions. Yes, numerous benefits of Bhumi Amla for liver have made the herb famous. However, Bhumi Amla treats several ailments. These conditions range from stomach problems and skin diseases to fevers. As a result, the Bhumi Amla is a powerful all-round medicinal herb. Bhumi Amla, or Nela Nelli plant, can therefore play a vital role in our everyday lives.

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