5 Ayurvedic practices for maintaining a healthy liver

home remedies for fatty liver

Ayurveda teaches that the liver is one of the most important organs to maintain because it has many functions: it produces bile, converts fat into glucose and helps your body process proteins, maintains proper metabolism, and most importantly, eliminates toxins from the plasma and filters the blood. Ayurvedic practices for maintaining a healthy liver are well-known and have been practiced for centuries. Ayurvedic remedies for fatty liver work to maintain and regenerate the health of your organ, along with promoting its natural ability to heal itself from illness or disease.

Characteristics of a liver, according to Ayurveda

The metabolism and digestion in the body are carried by different types of digestive fires called ‘agni’ and ‘Pitta’. According to Ayurveda, the liver is a fiery organ and is the seat of Pitta dosha. So, any aggravation in our body’s Pitta dosha or consuming too many fiery foods is not good for the liver. Sometimes, imbalance in Vata and Kapha doshas also leads to an imbalance in Pitta dosha. All these give rise to toxin build-up in the liver and affects its functioning. Any impairment with the liver affects your whole body, and this is why you need to protect the health of your liver. Here are some of the Ayurvedic practices for maintaining a healthy liver naturally. 

Ayurvedic remedies for fatty liver

Take Pitta-Pacifying diet

One of the ayurvedic remedies for fatty liver includes eating Pitta-pacifying foods and avoiding foods that harm the stomach lining or cause an imbalance in your doshas. Some Ayurvedic practices for maintaining a healthy liver include eating fresh organic foods, avoiding processed or fried foods, and drinking clean water. 

Perform Regular liver detoxification

The liver is the primary organ of detoxification for our body, but it may accumulate toxins due to unhealthy dietary and lifestyle habits. So, it is crucial to cleanse your liver periodically. This includes consuming clean water regularly, avoiding salt, and alcohol consumption. The Ayurvedic tradition also recommends using liver-cleansing herbs like Aloe vera, Neem, Kutki, Turmeric, Amla, Punarnava, and Triphala to help detoxify the liver There is also an Ayurvedic process called Virechana, that is useful for cleaning the liver.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining healthy body weight is one of the crucial Ayurvedic practices to maintain a healthy liver. Obesity or being overweight puts you at risk of developing fatty liver disease that might severely damage your health. This is why it is important to maintain a healthy and fit body that is free from fat deposits. This will take you a long way in keeping the liver healthy and free from toxins.

Avoid anger and be happy

Yes, being angry may harm your liver health because the liver is the seat of emotions such as anger, hate, envy, irritability, frustration, and impatience. Exhibiting these emotions lead to Pitta imbalance in the body. To counter this, you can express emotions like courage, confidence, and contentment. This balance of emotions is critical for maintaining a healthy liver. So, try to avoid negative emotions and dwell on positive emotions.

Practice Yoga and Meditation

You can also take care of your liver by practicing yoga which helps balance out all three doshas (Vata-Pitta-Kapha). You could start off slow by taking five minutes each day to do simple poses such as the cobra pose. You can also regularly practice meditation and Pranayama to prevent the stress and strain of daily life. This will help maintain a healthy liver. 

Considering how instrumental the health of the liver is for the well-being of our body, it is crucial that we take care of it. Thus, these Ayurvedic remedies for fatty liver liver are essential for leading a healthy and happy life.  

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