Velvet Leaf Benefits
If you’re looking for natural ways to improve your health, look no further than Patha. This age-old medicine has many unexpected health benefits!
Patha is an Ayurvedic herb that has dozens of health benefits. Learn about six of them here!
Patha (Cissampelos Pareira), also known as Abuta, Velvetleaf, Ice vine, False pareira, Padavali, Churuboddi, Vatta tiruppi, Patathali, or Venivel, is a popular Ayurvedic herb. This slender climbing plant with yellow flowers is commonly found in parks and gardens. It is indigenous to India and can be found in Tamil Nadu, Nagpur, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Punjab, among other places. It can also be found in East Africa and North America. Patha is an important herb in the Ayurvedic system due to its impressive health benefits.
The roots of the patha plant are well recognized for their medical uses in Indian folklore. It has several advantageous qualities, such as antibacterial and antidiarrheal characteristics, which aid in treating diarrhea by limiting bacterial growth and fluid loss. Patha also possesses anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory qualities that aid in the management of asthma by reducing inflammation in the airways and relieving symptoms by clearing mucus.
Due to its balancing effects on the kapha dosha, patha has been utilized to cure a wide range of health issues, including colds and coughs. Additionally, since patha powder possesses vrishya characteristics, taking it with honey is advantageous for clearing mucus from the respiratory tract and enhancing male sexual health. As patha helps to balance the body’s Vata, you can also take it to treat menstruation cramps and pain. Infections, wounds, dermatitis, and other skin conditions can all be treated with patha’s anti-inflammatory and antibacterial capabilities.

Patha in Ayurveda
The roots and leaves of this plant are widely used in Ayurveda for their therapeutic properties. According to Ayurveda, Patha balances both Vata and Kapha doshas. It has a bitter taste and hot potency. The main chemical constituents of Patha include alkaloids like cycleanine, hayatidin, and hayatinin. It also has anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-ulcer, wound-healing, and diuretic properties. Here are some of the impressive health benefits of patha in Ayurveda.
Properties of Patha
Patha has numerous beneficial properties that could be used to treat a variety of medical conditions. Patha’s propertiesare as follows:
- Antibacterial property
- Antimicrobial property
- Ushna property
- Kapha balancing property
- Rasayana property
- Vata balancing property
These are some of Patha’s characteristics, then. All of these qualities are advantageous to a person’s general health.
List of Top 6 Health Benefits of Patha
People have been using patha for a long time because they believe in its therapeutic benefits.
Patha roots derived from these roots are extremely beneficial in the treatment of health issues when used in medicine. The following list includes some of the health issues that patha can help with:
Velvet Leaf Medicinal Uses
1) Patha for menstrual pain
Menstrual problems, such as dysmenorrhea, are pains or cramps that occur during or before a menstruation cycle. In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Kasht-aartava. According to Ayurveda, Vata dosha controls and governs aartava, or menstruation. To manage dysmenorrhea, it is critical that Vata be under control in a woman. Patha has the ability to balance Vata and is useful in the treatment of dysmenorrhea and other menstrual cramps.
2) Patha for wound infection
Velvet leaf promotes wound healing, reduces swelling, and restores the skin’s natural texture. Patha powder mixed with coconut oil promotes healing and reduces inflammation. This is because of its Ropan (healing) ability.
3) Velvet leaf benefits acne
The worsening of the Pitta dosha causes eczema, skin infections, and acne. A hormonal imbalance can cause acne, and patha tonic is a particularly effective treatment for this condition. The abundance of some bioactive chemicals in Patha aid in the regulation of both high androgen levels and hormonal balance. Additionally, anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce the pain and redness associated with acne outbreaks.
4) Promotes male reproductive health
This potent medicinal plant comes highly recommended for boosting male fertility. Men’s sexual dysfunction can be controlled with the help of patha extract, which is effective in boosting sperm quality and quantity. Symptoms of premature ejaculation include decreased desire, poor erection, or sperm discharge soon after intercourse. Patha’s inherent Vrishya (aphrodisiac) qualities benefit men’s sexual health.
5) Velvet leaf benefits diarrhea
Poor dietary practices, consuming tainted water, exposure to environmental contaminants, mental stress, and Agnimanday (weak digestive fire) cause disruptions in gut health, which results in diarrhea (Atisar in ayurveda). Additionally, these variables cause the Vata dosha to become more aggravated, which brings in loose stools or diarrhea. Patha is useful for managing diarrhea because it is Laugh (light to digest) and because it balances Ushna and Vata. It also enhances digestive fire. Retaining fluid in the intestines also helps to thicken loose stools and control the frequency of diarrhea.
6) Combats respiratory problems
Patha is a well-known traditional treatment for all respiratory conditions because of its potent immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anti-asthmatic properties. It aids in reducing asthmatic symptoms and provides relief from shortness of breath. In the lungs, vitiated Vata and disordered Kapha dosha combine to clog the respiratory path, making breathing difficult. This herbal remedy enhances lung function, balances the Vata and Kapha doshas, and eliminates extra mucus from the lungs. These were the top 6 health benefits of velvet leaf.
Buy Velvet Leaf Powder Plant: Buy Now
Patha is a potent Ayurvedic plant that many people are unaware of. Despite its medicinal properties, Patha’s health benefits are still underappreciated. So, it is time we appreciate this amazing herb and utilizes its full potential.
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