Agnimantha (Premina latifolia), commonly called Headache plant, Tekar, Taludali, Nelli, Arani, Ganiary, Agathu, or Munnai is a powerful plant in Ayurveda. Agni means fire and Mantha means churning. In ancient times, the wood pieces of this tree were rubbed with each other to generate fire, hence the name. Agnimantha is one among the Dashamoola group of herbs. It is a small tree with yellow bark. This small herb is widely distributed in India and Sri Lanka. In India is mostly found in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Orrisa. The incredible health benefits of Agnimantha have made it one of the important herbs in the Ayurvedic system.
Agnimantha in Ayurveda
The root bark and leaves of Agnimantha are extensively used in Ayurveda for treating various diseases. According to Ayurveda, Agnimantha pacifies both Vata and Kapha dosha. It has a pungent, bitter, astringent, and sweet taste, and hot potency. The main chemical constituents of Agnimantha include pectolinarigenin, hispidium, cleodendrin, raffinose, premenol, luteolin, B-sitosterol and ganiarine. It also has anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, anthelmintic, digestive, antiviral, and immunity-boosting properties. Here are a few incredible health benefits of Agnimantha.
Health benefits of Agnimantha
Great for treating swelling
One of the biggest health benefits of Agnimantha is its ability to treat swelling and inflammation. Applying the warm leaves of Agnimantha on the affected area provides relief from swelling and severe pain.
It improves appetite
The root bark of Agnimantha acts as a great appetizer. It improves appetite and aids in proper digestion. It is very helpful for patients suffering from indigestion, heaviness in the abdomen, and other digestion problems.
It is a metabolism booster
The leaves of Agnimantha have certain chemical constituents that are loaded with anti-obesity effects. The juice extracted from the fresh leaves of Agnimantha acts as a metabolism booster and helps in reducing weight.

Treats urinary infection
The root bark of Agnimantha is especially used for the treatment of urticaria. The anti-allergic, anti-urticaria, and antipruritic action of the leaves provides relief from pain and itching caused due to urinary infections.
Agnimantha for treating skin diseases
Agnimantha is a great herb for treating skin diseases. The crushed roots of Agnimantha can be applied externally on the skin or taken orally to get relief from skin problems.
Agnimantha is an amazing Ayurvedic herb that is well-documented in Ayurvedic literature and scientific studies also confirm the incredible health benefits of Agnimantha. So, it is time that we use this plant for the benefit of our health and wellness.

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