Worldwide names of Indian Sarsaparilla:-
Hindi:- Gourisar, Anantmool, Anantmul, Dubod, Chughod, Gouraya
Sanskrit:- Anantamool, Sharda, Gopballi, Shwetlata, Gopkanya, Asfota
Gujarati:- Dhuribel, Kangdiyo, Kuder, Kapuri Madhuri, Usbo.
Bengali:- Sariva
English:- Indian Sarsaparilla
Latin:- Hemidesmus Indicus.
Other Common names are:-
sarbia, naruninti Nannari, tygade beru, Indian Sarsaparilla, Anantamul, Dudhi, Anant bel, Nannari, Sugandipala, Narunenti, Sugandha pala, sugankha, Palada, Gidda, Onotumulo, Sariva, Upalasari, நன்னாரி, நன்நெட்டி, നറുനീണ്ടി, ಹಾಲುಬಳ್ಳಿ,, Haaluballi, Kshirini, Karala,اُشبا , sinhala: ඉරමුසු Iramusu, Magarbu, Kapuri, anant-vel, durivel, Sarsa, Sarsaparillae Radix, Sarsaparillewurzel, Smilax, Liseron Épineux, Liseron Piquant, Salsaparilha, , saparna, smilace, zarzaparilla, jupicanga, liseron epineux, salsepareille, ba qia, Ba Qia catbrier, Pseudosarsa, Nunnari asclepias, Periploca indica, Magarbu, Sariva, Karpoori, Sugandhi, Salsepareille, Salsepareille d’Europe, Salsepareille du Honduras, Salsepareille du Mexique, Zarzaparrilla, NARUNEENDI, khao yen, greenbrier, sarsa, Jin Gang Teng, Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae, zarzaparilla, khao yen, Nannari, Tylophora, False sarsaparilla,
Worldwide there are about 40 types of species found. These are of evergreen or deciduous trees, shrubs, and rhizomatous types which makes it 40 types of species. Its woody roots are very aromatic. It has tiny green-white flowers which grow in late spring and early summer followed by purple – blackberries.
Parts used:- Roots
Properties:- It is an aromatic tonic, cleansing herb having a diuretic effect.

Uses of Indian Sarsaparilla:-
1:- It is used as a cleansing herb which helps to lowers fever.
2:-It detoxify blood ( having blood purifying properties)
3:-For cough and cold it is used.
4:-it is also used to ease childbirth and menstrual irregularities.
5:- sarsaparilla used to pacify all three dosha – Vata, Pitta, Kapha
6:- It is also used to treat joint pains.
How to take Indian Sarsaparilla:–
1:- Take ¼ – ½ teaspoon of Anantmool powder twice a day 30 minutes before a meal with water/honey.
2:-Can be consumed as tea/kwath/decoction form. take a glass of water with 2 teaspoons of anantmool powder boil this mixture in low flame until half left, cool this mixture, filter and drink this 2-3 times a day
3:-In sharbat or syrup form also it can be taken. Take 3 teaspoons of nannari syrup in cold water to add lemon, an ice cube in it, and drink this syrup.