5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pugsley (Parpataka).

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Pugsley - Ayurvedic Treatment.

Parpataka (Fumaria indica), also called fine leaf fumitory, Indian fumitory, Pugsley, earth smoke, Tura and Pitta Papada is an Ayurvedic herb used for treating numerous diseases in Ayurveda. This is usually seen as a weed and is found in all parts of India and Pakistan. They grow wildly in plains and lower hills of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Colorado. This herb has been mentioned in classical Ayurvedic texts like Charak Samhita. The amazing health benefits of Pugsley has made it one of the important herbs in the Ayurvedic system.

Pugsley in Ayurveda

All the parts of Pugsley are used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. According to Ayurveda, Pugsley balances Kapha and Pitta dosha and slightly increases Vata dosha. It has a bitter taste and cold potency. The main chemical constituents of Parpataka include adlumine, biscuculline, cochaurine, coptisine, cryptopine, furmaramine, parfumine, etc. It also has diuretic, antipyretic, diaphoretic, antitussive, immune modulator, antibiotic, laxative, and hepatoprotective properties. Here are some of the amazing health benefits of Pugsley.

Health Benefits of Pugsley

1. Pugsley for diarrhoea

One of the amazing usage of Pugsley is its ability to treat diarrhoea. Pugsley has laxative properties that help stop severe diarrhoea. It also helps in easing pain in the stomach and tiredness.

2. Health Benefits Pugsley for fever

Pugsley is an excellent herb for treating fever. Pugsley is one of the ingredients of the famous herbal remedy- Shadanga Paneeya, an Ayurvedic drink made out of six herbs used for treating fever and associated thirst.

3. Pugsley for increased urine production

It is an excellent diuretic. The extracts of Pugsley plant are given to patients who are suffering from bladder inflammation and urinary retention to promote urination. 

4. Pugsley for skin problems

Extracts from this plant are used in purifying blood, so they are very helpful for treating skin problems. It can also be applied externally on the skin to get relief from boils, rashes, pimples, and other skin problems.   

5. Health Benefits Pugsley for liver

Pugsley is loaded with hepatoprotective properties that protect the liver against damages. It also has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, and analgesic properties that help purify the liver and get rid of harmful toxins. 

It is loaded with medicinal properties that make it an excellent herb for improving overall health. Thus, these are the amazing health benefits of Pugsley.

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