Worldwide names of Aloevera:-
Hindi:- Guarpatha, Gheekuwar, kuwar
Sanskrit:- Kumari, Grheekanya, Ghrit, Kumarika
Marathi:- Korfad, Korkanta,
Gujarati:- Kuwar, kuar, Pathu
Bengali:- Gritkumari
English:- Indian Aloe
Latin:- Aloe vera, Aloevera, Aloe indica, Aloe Barbadensis.
Other common names are:-
Eliyo, Eariyo, Siber, Chenninayakam, Korphad, Aalwee, Lu hui, Kattar vazha, Aalwyn. Ghrita kumari, Kumari. aloes des jardins; Gheekumari, Aloe vera, babosa-curing; aloi, L’alois, kathalai; kattar vazha; khorpad, Aloe, erva-babosa, Alö, Echte, allas; sabila; sávila; zabila, aloès officinal; aloès vrai; Khorpad, Kathalai, lu hui, aloé-dos-barbados; , cherukattazha ; sempervivum, sentebibu; sinkle bible, Aloe delle Barbados żabbara, acíbar; Ghyu kumaari, Kalabanda, True Aloe, Barbados aloe; bitter aloe; Chaal Kunwari, Hsiang dan. Lægealoe. Lääkeaaloe. Lináloe, Maguey morado, Penca sábila, Aloès, Aloès vulgaire. Echte Aloe. Guar patha, Ghikanvar. Lidah buaya. Legno Babosa, Aloés de Barbados, Erva-babosa, Azebre Vegetal. Sávila, burn aloe; gheekumari; Aloe di Curacao, Curaçao aloe; Aloe mediterranea, Ghritkumari, Gheekumari, Khorpad, Gheekwar, Aloe nastojaščee, Aloja, Gavakava. Toots amarelo, Zábila, Zábila dos toots, Chirukuttali, Chinna kalabanda, Hang ta khe, zabila; Mediterranean aloe; West Indian aloe, zabira, Chotthu kathalai, Wan fai mai, Wan hang chora khe, Ödağacı. Burn Plant, first aid plant; curing aloe; Musabhar, Sarısabır, Sarýsabýr. Cherukattazha, aloès vulgaire, Pitera amarelo, Sábila do penca, Cây aloe vera, Cây Lô Hội , Cây Nha Đam, Aloe vera. Musabara, Kalasohaga, Mussabar, Alua, Kattazhi, Satthukkathazhai, Musambaram, Musabbar, Ailiva, Siber, sempervivum, Sabir. aloe, Aroe, Lolisara. Pohon gaharu, Ghiu kumara, Quargandal Aloes zwyczajny, Musabhar, Elva, Karibola, Lolesara satva, Lovalsara, Lolesara, Musabbar. Acíbar, Aloe, Flor do deserto, Loto do deserto, Machambar, Ghritakalmi, Indian Aloe,
This plant has almost 325 types of species available worldwide. All aloe plants vary in size from each other.but all the aloe has thick spiky leaves. There was a story related to aloe with Alexander the Great. It is said that he had conquered an island named Socotra which has several Aloe plants, this is because he wanted to secure supplies of aloe to heal his soldier`s wounds. Aloe vera requires well-drained soil with good sun light-grown throughout the year. Just cut the leaves and harvest this in the soil will give you the new cultivated plant.
Parts Used:– Leaves, Juice
Properties:-It is bitter, Purgative, having Anti-inflammatory properties.

1:- It helps in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol level.
2:-It is beneficial in healing wounds and ulcers
3:- it helps in curing burnt and skin disorders.
4:- it prevents kidney stone
5:- Aloe vera juice is used in curing constipation
6:- Its juice improves the digestive system
7:-Regular consuming aloe vera helps in maintaining the energy level of the body and increase immunity.
8:- It detoxifies the body impurities.
How to use Aloe vera:-
1:- For constipation take 2-3 teaspoon of aloe juice/powder at night after meals with water.for diabetes and obesity take this in morning on empty stomach
2:- For Acne and skin disorders take aloe powder/pulp , mix 1 teaspoon turmeric and make a paste apply on affected area and wash after 30 minutes.
3:- for dandruff and hair fall take aloe pulp/powder add 1 teaspoon lemn juice and 2 olive oil mix all these and apply on hairs wash with mild shampoo after 30 minutes.
During pregnancy, it is not advised to take as it may cause miscarriage.