5 potent health benefits of Putranjiva

Health benefits of Putranjivaka

Putranjivaka (Putranjiva roxburgii), also called Putranjeev, Child life tree, Indian amulet plant, Irukolli, and Jiyapeeta is a medicinal herb that is widely used in the ayurvedic system. The name Putranjivaka means ‘the one which promotes or give life to progeny’. It promotes life in both men and women. Putranjiva is a large tree that grows up to 20 meters in height. This Ayurvedic plant grows at an altitude of 3000 feet and can be seen all over India. The potent health benefits of Putranjivaka has made it one of the important herbs in Ayurveda.


Putranjiva in Ayurveda:

The seeds and leaves of Putranjivaka are widely used in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. According to Ayurveda, Putranjivaka reduces vitiated Vata and Pitta dosha. It has a sweet and pungent taste and cold potency. The main chemical constituents of Putranjivaka include isopropyl, iso-thiocyanates, gluco putranjivin, mannitol, saponin, beta-amyrin, palmite, and stigmasterol. It also has aphrodisiac, diuretic, hypoglycaemic, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. Here are a few potent health benefits of Putranjivaka.

Health benefits of Putranjivaka

Putranjivaka for Sexual health

One of the biggest health benefits of Putranjivaka is its ability to improve sexual health. It is a potent aphrodisiac in Ayurveda. The power of the seed is given to improve the sperm count and sexual vigour in men. 

Putranjivaka for Skin problems

Putranjiva is an excellent herb for treating skin problems in Ayurveda. The seeds are rubbed well with water and made into a fine paste which is then applied to the affected skin. It provides relief from allergic rashes.

Putranjivaka for women

Putranjivaka is very helpful for women in improving fertility. It maintains the health of the foetus in pregnant women and keeps the mother healthy. It is also useful for correcting irregular menstruation problems.

Putranjivaka for fever and cold

The juice obtained from the leaves of Putranjivaka is effective in cold and fever. Consuming this will provide relief from the symptoms of cold and fever. The fine paste of the seeds is also applied on the forehead in cases of severe headache.

Putranjivaka for eye problems

Another important health benefit of Putranjivaka is its ability to treat eye problems. The paste obtained from the seeds of Putranjiva is applied to the eyelids to treat eye diseases and get rid of eye pain.

Putranjivaka is an important herb in Ayurveda for improving fertility in both men and women. But not many people know about these potent health benefits of Putranjiva. So, it is time we appreciate this ayurvedic herb and use it wisely for improving our health.

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